The committees must develop incentive compensation policies to emphasize long-term performance.
These factors may include the incentive compensation of executives, lack of monitoring by boards of directors, and managerial error in estimating the value of firms targeted for acquisition.
The board of directors, our representative as shareholders, provides all of that stock-based incentive compensation.
The salary system meet the fairness, competitive, incentive compensation management what is emphasis in modern enterprises.
After all, we've created a system wherein most of the compensation executives receive is in the form of stock-based incentive compensation.
It is necessary to found a system of the team incentive compensation for the development of the enthusiasm and improvement the performance of the team.
With the establishment of modern enterprise system, the issue of top managers incentive compensation has become a hot research topic at home and abroad.
When boards provide stock-based incentive compensation, they issue a direct instruction to work first and foremost on raising the stock price from the current level.
The article refers to the incentive compensation assessment criteria system, when it is to be discussed, should divide into long-term and short-term, not as a whole.
The optimal incentive payment scheme contains five components:fixed-income, informational rent, risk compensation, incentive compensation and the managers'market price.
The theory of transaction cost, game theory and the principal-agent theory are used to study the outsourcing decision making, monitoring and incentive compensation for the service provider.
Once again, through Singapore, the United Kingdom, the Australian and other foreign comparative analysis of the compensation policies, the incentive compensation system is a useful reference;
In countries where automobile insurance does not include compensation for whiplash, people often have little incentive to report whiplash injuries that they actually have suffered.
Raghu Rajan presented one of the earliest and sharpest analyses of the agency problems and incentive distortions deriving from compensation schemes in financial institutions.
Europeans receive less of their compensation in long-term incentive plans and the value of what they received was not as affected by the credit crunch.
An individual incentive system widely used in sales jobs is the commission, which is compensation computed as a percentage of sales in units or dollars.
The Compensation Committee approves all management incentive plans tied to performance.
ConocoPhillips included 'certain incentive payments' in the compensation it used to calculate CEO Jim Mulva's pension, according to its filing.
Incentive, monitoring and compensation contracts directly affect performance of enterprises, but they have very complex interactions under the circumstance of asymmetric information.
Incentive and restraint mechanisms can be divided into financial compensation mechanisms, mechanism to promote the reputation, legal constraint mechanism.
It is found by practical researches that executive compensation encourages current and future performance and current incentive effect is closely connected with their future performance.
It is the sales manager's job to take the larger incentive and compensation programs and use them as motivational tools.
Finally, it need to perfect shareholder monitoring mechanism of compensation incentive of SOE executives.
Revenue incurred by alterations in contract, claims for compensation and incentive payments.
Only efficient compensation contract could produce great incentive and promote corporation performance.
On average, incentive related compensation makes up 25% of total compensation with the percentages rising as total compensation increases.
A reasonable compensation incentive mechanism can effectively improve the working enthusiasm and efficiency of executive; avoid agency failure, brain drain, and other negative phenomena.
A reasonable compensation incentive mechanism can effectively improve the working enthusiasm and efficiency of executive; avoid agency failure, brain drain, and other negative phenomena.