Team-based incentive strategy to change the leadership style and quality team with a strong team performance between the intermediary role.
A hierarchical incentive model of resource optimal allocation and relevant hierarchical incentive strategy are proposed. The solution methods of the model are discussed.
The immunization strategy has provided an incentive for building stronger and more comprehensive systems for disease surveillance and programme monitoring.
Industry insiders call the strategy "delay and divert" and say companies have a powerful incentive to fight back: they crave salt as a low-cost way to create tastes and textures.
Organization strategy includes setting up the medical group taking core medical business, and complements it with the incentive system and hospital culture.
Besides the fund products do not differ at large, because the managers disfavor differentiation strategy, due to the lack of core resources and competences, and the absence of incentive mechanism.
In order to develop greatly and fulfill the strategy effectively, a new incentive mechanism must be established.
The linear crossing influences incentive pricing strategy for multi-service networks with multi-priority is dealt with.
In the first phase, the strategy will focus on the direct-marketing and insurance businesses, which demand superior incentive activities than other business sectors.
A game configuration is in Nash equilibrium if no player has an incentive to change her current strategy while the other players keep their current strategies.
To advance human resource, the following sides such as human resource strategy, post analysis, performance evaluation, incentive system and hospital culture were to be considered.
To advance human resource, the following sides such as human resource strategy, post analysis, performance evaluation, incentive system and hospital culture were to be considered.