A guide, and likely a separate driver, come as standard in Bhutan. Independent travel is forbidden.
Guide to independent travel with useful information on destinations, and plenty of forum and community action.
The individual tour is also known as self-help or half self-help tour, it's called independent travel abroad.
When it comes to traveling, some people will choose independent travel while others prefer to go on a package tour.
The change of the travelers desire is natural and the reason of emerging of independent travel from the concept and type of independent travel.
Finally, it presents the process of implementing the extension strategy generating system on a computer to solve the independent travel problem, and shows the running results.
To square up you can also travel each end independent of each other within the realm of the 3 degrees maximum turntable movement.
With various ways of travel mushrooming, people feel confused what is the most suitable for them, the traditional packaged tour or the trendy independent tour, it's a question!
The torch installed at the end of the wrist can move at the fixed point to satisfy the independent control of the torch angle and travel angel.
Let it be likewise acknowledged that the Palestinian people have a right to a sovereign independent homeland, to live with dignity and to travel freely.
Talky dramas are harder to export than cartoons or action flicks, which is partly why the major studios now concentrate on such things. But independent horror films sometimes travel well.
This paper introduces a digital workshop system(DWS) that has the independent knowledge property right, it is mainly to provide the function of workshop design and travel inside;
The exceedingly independent -- if not downright antisocial -- might follow the example of Natalia, who writes a travel blog called No Beaten Path.
The exceedingly independent -- if not downright antisocial -- might follow the example of Natalia, who writes a travel blog called No Beaten Path.