The principles for public figures can handle the conflict between the public's right to knowledge and individual privacy.
For instance individual of the regulation in civil code has privacy to counterpoise, what is privacy right?
The function of the individual credit system and the legal peculiarity of the right to privacy, decide that it is necessary to confine the privacy interest in the credit investigation.
The main body of this article is composed by four parts. First is the introduction of the correlation theories and technology of the individual data right of privacy.
Finally it proposed the strategies of our country's individual data right of privacy protection as well as the specific measures.
The third part is regards the protection of the right to privacy in individual credit system.
In addition, I take charge of to individual who provides the third party right infringement clue and the unit, carries on the strict privacy protection.
In addition, I take charge of to individual who provides the third party right infringement clue and the unit, carries on the strict privacy protection.