As a consequence, we have truly entered the Post-Industrial economy.
Aluminum is a good example of the complexities of China's industrial economy.
In the 19th century, many nations began moving from an agricultural to an industrial economy.
Total amount of the industrial economy has grown continuously improve operational quality.
After joining WTO, the industrial economy of Heibei is facing a lot of good luck and challenge.
It is what led generations of American workers to build an industrial economy unrivaled around the world.
As a new form of economy, network economy has a new effect different than that in the industrial economy.
The West became a consumer, financial and technology society while the East has became an industrial economy.
In the battle for power within the emerging industrial economy, almost all the advantages seemed to lie with capital.
Knowledge economy is comparatively a new economic formation on the basis of agricultural economy and industrial economy.
Despite forebodings about its dependence on finance, the capital's post-industrial economy proved to be a boon rather than a bane.
But this time it was the industrial economy that went first, and consumer spending held up surprisingly well for most of this year.
Made by Beijing Siyuan Consultancy according to Chinese Sta. Almanac& Sta. Almanac of Chinese Industrial Economy in years past.
It had ruined, with the aid of prior Russian looting, a powerful agrarian and industrial economy bequeathed it by the Japanese.
During the transition from industrial economy to knowledge economy, massive integrated high technical industry must be developed.
The global industrial structure demonstrates the total trend that "industrial economy" makes the transition to "service economy".
So setting-up a model enterprise in commerce system is an important aspect that reflects the leading status of industrial economy.
Taylorism, which Charlie Chaplin lampooned so memorably in “Modern Times”, has spread from the industrial to the post-industrial economy.
A meagre tourist trade to the home of England's historic pottery industry has done little to lift its limp, post-industrial economy.
Main board market is the production of industrial economy era, it provides financing channel for enterprises in comparatively mature industry.
According to her, among the very worst things that could have happened to China is the transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy.
As we cross the threshold into the next century, human society is beginning its move from the industrial economy into the knowledge-based economy.
The transition from traditional industrial economy to cyclic economy is not only the change of economic form but also the deep cultural and social change.
As a social economic formation, new economy is a economic transform which has profound influence. followed by agricultural economy and industrial economy.
It becomes more and more important for the role of human resource accounting in management at the age of industrial economy substituted by knowledge economy.
Can consumption remain resilient given the troubles of the country's state-dominated industrial economy, ranging from vast overcapacity to record levels of debt?
With the accession to WTO and economic globalization trend, various industrial economy and regional economy of our country begin to incorporate global economic system.
Knowledge economy is a kind of knowledge based economic formation, developed in the soil of industrial economy, and it bears a series of striking features of The Times.
Knowledge economy is a kind of knowledge based economic formation, developed in the soil of industrial economy, and it bears a series of striking features of The Times.