All schools depend on instructional media to a greater extent than in years past.
This article mainly deals with the meanings of instructional media and its application to Microteaching.
A degree in this field equips you to become a school's local expert in creating, customizing, and utilizing instructional media.
In modern education, Computer is gradually becoming the effective instructional media and the beneficial tool for administration education.
The Theory and Practice for Instructional Media is a quite practical and technological course, aiming at the education technology undergraduates.
When instructional media entered educational field since the last century, as one of the chief factors, it keeps on affecting the instructional activities.
Graduates may obtain licensing to teach at middle schools or secondary schools, prepare textbooks and other instructional media, or serve on educational policy-making bodies.
Microteaching is a type of teaching method which can systemically train normal college students to master some teaching skills, and the instructional media is the physical base of Microteaching.
In chapter 2, it gives a little essential knowledge relating to the modern instructional media, and discusses the important influence of the modern instructional media to the classroom instruction.
Select appropriate instructional strategies and learning media (classroom, self-paced Web-based training, Web conferencing, and so on).
The strategies of the instructional design for an integrated curriculum contain the media design, the environment design and the teaching design.
The instructional website of streaming media application is constructed to provide Working interface for the system.
Detailed treatise of this Constructivism study theories, the teaching mode of the current multi-media teaching and the instructional design mode.
And it points out that, as one of teaching assisting media, coursewares must be instructional rather than a simple tool to provide a large amount of information.
This curriculum prepares individuals to serve as librarians and media specialists in elementary and secondary schools as well as special instructional centers.
There are three major objectives of media research:(1) obtain knowledge about the educational or instructional effectiveness of a chosen medium;
大众传播研究有三个主要目标:(1 )获得对被选择的媒体的教育或指导效力的了解;
We will rethink and complete this instructional design mode through the research of the course called "Multi-media technology" and the problems occurred in the process of carrying out BL.
In its more familiar sense, it means the media born of the communications revolution which can be used on instructional purposes along side the teachers, text book and blackboard.
Those more frequently used for programs in this field are Educational Media< Instructional Communications, and Educational technology.
Those more frequently used for programs in this field are Educational Media< Instructional Communications, and Educational technology.