He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa.
The college has announced its intention to enlarge its stadium.
Our intention was quite the opposite – to demolish rumours that have surrounded him since he took office.
In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it.
She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.
Wilma Subra had no intention of becoming a public speaker.
EAT-Lancet claimed its intention was to "spark conversations" among all Indian stakeholders.
His intention was to turn her face so that she should see the boys walking the plank one by one.
They are among a growing number of California cities and counties that have expressed the same intention.
By August, Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his intention to develop the material as a novel.
Whether play occurs or not depends on the intention of the animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.
Annie worked at the "Picture Post" when Mike was an ace reporter for a legendary magazine and announced her intention to pursue her.
Accompanying their children in school might give more pressure to their children unconsciously, which is opposite to parents' original intention.
Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund, with the intention to sustain the state's economy after the exhaustion of its oil reserves.
This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kiva in the center of the mission complex courtyards, suggests an intention to highlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it.
Allen back-pedalled, saying that he had had no intention of offending them.
I had no intention of going into the whys and the wherefores of the situation.
Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones.
His avowed intention was to bring about reform and spiritual renewal for the church.
He apologizes for his comments and says he had no intention of offending the community.
Giovanni plied him with questions and comments with the deliberate intention of prolonging his stay.
She had a firm intention within herself to be the best she could be.
The author's intention remains as mysterious as his name; he may have been simply taking notes for his own records.
It is not my intention to point out the central theme of each of the plays in this collection, for that would, indeed, ruin the pleasure of reading, discussing, and thinking about the plays and the effectiveness of the playwright.
Mary's eyes turned toward her in spite of her intention not to seem to care.
In every moment and every circumstance, you can choose to have fuller, richer life by setting a clear intention.
The Department of Health declared its intention to consider the move in November 2010 and consulted through 2012.
The ultimate intention is to link up all the cars on the road via WiFi by setting up a WiFi-enabled sensor in a car.
最终的目标是把道路上所有汽车通过无线网络联系起来,在车内安装支持 WiFi 的传感器。
His efforts to raise money for his program were in vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.
The intention is for the positively perceived attributes of the celebrity to be transferred to the advertised product and for the two to become automatically linked in the audience's mind.