I had come to the developers' conference partly because I hoped that this particular set of parents, enthusiastic as they were about interactive media, might help me out of this problem.
The Interactive Media Activity shows how refraction works.
My Background is in Engineering and Interactive Media Arts.
The first interviewee was Hong Huang, CEO at China Interactive Media.
Add rich interactive media like videos, images, maps, and polls in-wave.
As interactive media expands, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day.
How can we harness the emerging forms of interactive media to enhance the learning process?
Del Padre Visual Productions, a video and interactive media production studio based in the US.
My friend and interactive media strategist Adam Broitman calls Google a "reputation management system."
我的朋友,交互媒体战略家Adam Broitman将Google比作“名誉管理系统”。
We designed our robotics engineering and interactive media and game development (IMGD) majors with this in mind.
An application development system (900) allows an author to quickly create interactive media applications (909).
Last week at a conference in New York City, the head of Fox Interactive Media, Ross Levinsohn, told the audience.
With interactive media capabilities, you can select TV Shows, Movies or Music titles from the interactive display.
Next year, Professor Claypool will bring his expertise to bear on WPI's new interactive media and games development major.
Today technology enables advertising to reach us efficiently through a variety of addressable media and interactive media.
By means of the electric interactive media, the indigenous communication has become cross-regional social network communication.
Another of his firms is the top cell phone operator, and he wants to get into convergence services to offer television and interactive media.
The paper explores the relationship between the interactive media and mass media from the outbreak of SARS from the perspective of sociology.
But two years later, the Web-savvy coverage of Tuesday's election highlights the growing sophistication of interactive media, social media and mobile apps.
Interactive marketing can be implemented face to face, or through all kinds of interactive media, especially Internet, utilizing modern information technology.
MySpace is a subsidiary of Fox Interactive Media, which is owned by News Corp. The indictment noted that MySpace computer servers are located in Los Angeles County.
Of those surveyed, 72% wanted experience using the newest technologies while 67% valued creative ability and 45% wanted employees with experience with interactive media.
In Chapter 3, exchanging from visitors to cooperators in interactive Media art goes into details. That is to say, it is a resonating process between artists and visitors.
Redxu culture is committed to interactive media, mobile networks and other media relations mining, while having excellent creative design and application development team.
It USES popular magazines, maps, books, movies and interactive media product to diffuse new knowledge, explaining the profound world and all things in the world in a simple way.
Company Profile: Songlei FMPLAY Interactive Media Co. devotes itself to the network dissemination of public relations, art designs and layouts, as well as interactive media, etc.
The application of VOD has a positive impact on teaching. The distinctive characteristic of VOD in interactive media teaching is the discussion subject of the educational circles now.
The research of this thesis will give a guide to the usage of local lag in continuous interactive media. Besides, it could also provide the directions for future research on local lag algorithm.
Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.