Microsoft Intermediate Language generated for code statements.
The CLR, then, takes this intermediate language (IL) and, on the fly, converts it into machine-specific instructions.
NET code is compiled not into native code, but into an intermediate language imaginatively called CIL (Common intermediate language).
The design and implement of intermediate language in decompilation system greatly affects generality and practicability of decompilation.
The second stylesheet defines an intermediate language between XHTML and PostScript, creating the tags necessary to define a page of flowing elements.
The computer aided tax system described in this thesis is a semantic grammar system, with the semantic dependency tree as the intermediate language.
Any programming language that conforms to CLI criteria can access a common class library and can be compiled into a common intermediate language (bytecode).
This model is used by modern compilers to provide flexibility in porting compilers to new target architectures (separating the front-end and the back-end by an intermediate language).
Assembler code program containing library function name is firstly translated into intermediate language program and then into high level language program to reduce complexity of decompilation.
How could a few companies have created a successful market for human-centric processes without the need for an intermediate orchestration language when they added some execution semantics to BPMN?
In an intermediate-English class, "I was trying to push the spoken aspects of the language," Fyfield-Shayler recalled in an interview for a documentary film produced in Britain last year.
Strictly speaking, the AST (abstract syntax tree) is also an IR (intermediate representation) - since it is not quite the source, and not quite the target language.
The front end of a compiler is language specific and includes a parser for the given language that results in parsed trees and the intermediate representation (the Register Transfer language, or RTL).
编译器的前端是特定于语言的,它包括一个用于给定语言的解析器,这个解析器产生经过解析的树和中间表示(Register Transfer Language, RTL)。
Although BCPL was a high-level language (similar to c), the intermediate code that the compiler generated was called O-code (Object code).
尽管BCPL是一种高级语言(类似于c),编译器生成的中间代码叫做o - code(对象代码)。
According to your language ability, we can recommend 3 levels of courses ranging from elementary, intermediate to advanced.
Using XSLT to convert DocBook in an intermediate text markup language.
ELPC is a six (6) level course of study that is appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced language learners.
In a compiled language, you have an intermediate step, in which you take the source code, it runs through what's called a checker or a compiler or both, and it creates what's called object code.
News can be categorized into three types according to its timeliness and language style, namely hard news, intermediate news and soft news.
In this intermediate Business English Podcast, we will practice useful phrases and language for making travel arrangements on the telephone.
Special Skills: Computer language: BASICForeign languages: Intermediate Japanese and excellent English.
The aim of the test is to find out your overall English language level e. g. Lower Intermediate, Intermediate etc.
NET framework are compiled to intermediate code modules, and the CLR provides the translation to the native language for the computer.
The former contains language pre-compiling, SQL statements and process statements analyzing and creating the intermediate code.
This paper presents the details of generating higher-level intermediate representation from IA-64 assembly language by means of semantic specification in decompiling.
I will show you some tricks I have discovered to learn a language to intermediate level very fast.
For language classes, the normal levels are beginning or introductory, intermediate or middle and advanced.
Then, with the spoken language classes, beginner, intermediate, together with the.
Then, with the spoken language classes, beginner, intermediate, together with the.