Internal financial control system include internal control which have a direct impact on the reliability of accounting business, accounting records and accounting statements.
The CBRC may designate an accounting firm, if necessary, to make an auditing of the consumer financial company about its business, finance, risk and internal control system and implementation.
To strengthen financial control, we should complete the corporate governance, enhance the professional quality of accountants, and perfect the system of internal control.
Because of the particular risk of the financial holding company, it is necessary to establish the correspondent regulation system on both internal control and external regulation to avert risk.
The management system of internal control is an important part, is also an important aspect of corporate financial control.
The financial internal control is an important component of enterprise internal control system, and occupies the kernel position of the financial management system.
Internal control includes the policies, procedures, and information system used to protect a company's assets from loss or embezzlement and to maintain accurate financial data.
On the building of the internal control system of state-owned commercial banks. "Financial Theory and Practice" 2001.2
董青。浅析国有商业银行内部控制体系的建设。《财经理论与实践》 2001.2。
This paper summarizes the experience on CNPC financial internal control and conceives the future framework of internal control system for CNPC.
This thesis makes correlation analysis of the financial data's change through the comprehensive analysis and decomposition of the internal control evaluation system.
In preparation business, the company leading the establishment of the financial accounting system and internal control processes involved in the design and implementation of the supervision.
Recent cases of financial crimes make people re-consider the internal control management system in commercial banks.
This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics and necessity of the internal accounting system, the approval system of the financial balance, materials purchasing system, sale control system.
The risk management of Financial Holding company including the structure of company, the skill of risk management and the concept. The most important thing is internal control and risk warning system.
To complete, supervise and review Financial Statements, Tax Reports, Cash Flow, Budget, and any internal control system information.
Especially after East Asia Financial Crisis and Bahrain bank went bankrupt, the construction of the internal control system became more urgent.
Especially after East Asia Financial Crisis and Bahrain bank went bankrupt, the construction of the internal control system became more urgent.