I am very interested in introduction to database.
I hope you've found this introduction to database-driven business processes with the WebSphere and DB2 portfolio timely and useful.
本文介绍了使用WebSphere和DB 2组合的数据库驱动的业务流程,但愿您会发现它是及时和有用的。
I'd like to present a brief introduction to database design by showing you on a small example some issues you can encounter and some ways to solve them.
Courses taught: "Introduction to Database System", "Database Design and Practice", "Software quality assurance and testing", "c Language" and other courses.
The main value of this database is to allow for checking the code base periodically for regression or the introduction of errors as development proceeds.
This is a good general introduction to parallel database systems and the issues involved in their design.
This article has given you a brief introduction to Apache Geronimo and demonstrated how to develop and deploy an application that connects to a DB2 database.
本文提供了ApacheGeronimo的简要介绍,并演示了如何开发和部署连接到DB 2数据库的应用程序。
The introduction does an excellent job of introducing the concepts behind MongoDB, bridging them to the relational database concepts I already know.
This paper summarizes the design principle and technology on information integration of isomerous database in SB CIMS, offers a brief introduction to its function and algorithm.
本文分析阐述了SB -CIMS异构数据库信息集成的设计原理与实现技术,并对其功能特点及算法作了概要介绍。
Active fuzzy data model is studied based on relation data model. Following an introduction to active fuzzy database technology, the structure of active fuzzy database is analyzed.
This paper first gives an introduction to the method of making a database connection from the VB6.0's built-in Data Control, and its limitations.
At the same time, it conducted introduction to its system requirement analysis, data flow chart, the diagram of ER, the database designs, and the main page layout and realize its module.
This article makes a detailed introduction to the procedure of automatically created teaching filmstrip based on database. The authors also list some key codes in this paper.
In this chapter, we will present a brief introduction to the principles of database systems.
Book in-depth and comprehensive introduction to the user how to use object-oriented model for database design, including the logical model and physical data model.
Book in-depth and comprehensive introduction to the user how to use object-oriented model for database design, including the logical model and physical data model.