Brian Gu, head of the Greater China merger-advisory unit of JPMorgan, an investment bank, and an adviser to China Oilfield Services on the recent deal, says he has never been busier.
China Mobile is doing brilliantly, collecting two-thirds of all new subscribers and more than four-fifths of the industry's profit growth, according to JPMorgan, an investment bank.
Financial efficiency of investment bank reflect its performing the financial function in the economy transformation of China.
It bought more cars than America last year and this year looks set to buy more mobile phones than the rest of the world put together, according to China First Capital, an investment bank.
As large amounts of dollars flow into China through net exports and foreign investment the Chinese central bank must buy up these dollars at the pegged exchange rate.
The trust and investment companies may continue to engage in the businesses that have been approved by the People's Bank of China and are in line with the Measures heretofore.
The definition of securities company in China as the body of investment bank is very important for us to learn from developed countries.
It is estimated that the average return on investment on gold account with China Construction Bank has reached over 10 percent, and the transaction volume of this year will mount to beyond 10 tons.
Article 4 The People's Bank of China is the organization that is in charge of the administration and supervision of financial institutions with foreign investment;
Article 4 The People's Bank of China is the organization that is in charge of the administration and supervision of financial institutions with foreign investment;