The micro-sculptor's work is so small, you need a microscope to see it - it is invisible to the naked eye.
In shave lanugo, the sharp razor will often delicate baby skin left many scars invisible to the naked eye.
The micro-sculptor's work is so small, you need a microscope to see it - it is invisible to the naked eye.
这位微雕艺术家的作品非常小,只有用显微镜才能看得到, 魔域私服外挂,用肉眼看不到。
Typically, in an active microbial environment the polymer becomes invisible to the naked eye within 12 weeks.
Mite is a kind of systemic hairy small insects, invisible to the naked eye, mites in sugar in reproductive soon.
The card produced by the University of Glasgow said to be the smallest in the world is invisible to the naked eye.
The card produced by the University of Glasgow, said to be the smallest in the world, is invisible to the naked eye.
But all bubbles are identifiable, and the process described in the paragraph above is not invisible to the naked eye.
The letters are invisible to the naked eye, and can only be read with a medical microscope at 400 times magnification.
The talented micro-sculptor's work is so small that it's invisible to the naked eye. In fact, people need a microscope to see it.
A recovery will begin in 2009 but, as was the case after the past two recessions, it will be so weak as to be invisible to the naked eye.
Invisible to the naked eye, the strain never-the-less is present and is a potential point of failure in the glass apparatus unless relieved.
The fragments, preserved between sheets of glass, respond to the infra-red spectrum - ink invisible to the naked eye can be seen and photographed.
A manufacturing defect means the hair produced is so small it appears invisible to the naked eye, giving the classic bald spot or receding hairline.
It can help clinicians to fully evaluate numerous morphological features invisible to the naked eye, and to enhance the diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions.
Clinical treatment, the doctor can only remove the naked eye can see that part of the wart tissue, invisible to the naked eye can not be cleared of the lesions.
Spitzer's infrared instruments return reams of data to Earth as the orbiting observatory gathers light from far reaches of the universe, light that is invisible to the naked eye.
Only a few centimeters in diameter and invisible to the naked eye, the Avenger's laser is 20 times hotter than an electric stove top and will cut through artillery shells with ease.
Only a few centimeters in diameter and invisible to the naked eye, the Avenger's laser is 20 times hotter than an electric stove top and will cut through artillery shells with ease.