The Iron Man franchise should trust Downey more, trust that we want to hang out with Tony Stark.
Unless you regard something like Iron Man, the movies inspired by America's contemporary wars have consistently been box-office flops.
You'd have to be as rich as Tony Stark—the billionaire alter ego of Marvel Entertainment's Iron Man—to be able to afford most of these powers.
Iron Man wins, but barely, and Ivan's locked up.
Watching Iron Man 2, who didn’t want a go with Tony’s personal communicator?
That said, one of the most impressive comic book films in recent years was Iron Man.
We remember the iron man, we be aware of her own duty, our Yanfu old youth who will try our best.
The even started Triathalons, competing in 6 iron man, the ultimate test of strength and endurance.
After Jarvis becomes Vision, Tony Stark implants the new FRIDAY software into his Iron Man armor.
Some people like this aspect of the movie, because they feel it gives Iron Man more human qualities.
Captain America's film is set for release in 2011, following in the footsteps of Spider-Man and Iron Man.
Reading all these, one finds a Churchill who is a good deal more compelling than the eternal iron man.
company that supplies seas of lifelike blow-up dolls to films like Iron Man 2, The Fighter, and Contagion.
“充气人群”是圣莫尼卡的一家公司,《钢铁侠2》、《 斗士》、《世纪战疫》等电影就大量使用了这家公司提供的栩栩如生的充气假人。
You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can't take away - I am Iron Man.
Even coffee could not pull me out of it but as soon as I walked out to go home, I felt like I could do an iron man.
Yet when it came time for Marvel Studios to cast the lead for a huge franchise film, "Iron Man," it bet on Mr. Downey.
Iron Man 3 conquers the curse of the number three in a novel way: It pretty much takes Iron Man out of the equation.
Iron Man 2 (Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment), opens with a nice little allegory about its own sequel anxiety.
This helped the company break out on its own and finance its own movies, starting with Iron Man, which was released in 2008.
Iron man is an interesting superhero, because unlike Superman or Spiderman, he doesn't actually have any special powers.
So they apparently felt compelled to give 'Iron Man 2' a green light, despite the awkward editing that would have to be done.
Talent: Iron Man director Jon Favreau drops the irony to play it straight in this homage to classic Western and sci-fi flicks.
NOT even the combined powers of Spiderman, Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America and the X-Men could keep The Mouse at bay.
That is better than geologists had expected a few years ago, but slowing the rate of decline has required efforts worthy of the Iron Man.
Even so, you must be more than familiar with the superhero characters it creates: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, to name a few.
You'd have to be as rich as Tony stark-the billionaire alter ego of Marvel Entertainment's Iron man-to be able to afford most of these powers.
Walt Disney Co. is betting $4 billion that Iron Man and his fellow superheroes can help it beat the malaise gripping the entertainment industry.
华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)周一同意斥资40亿美元收购Marvel Entertainment,重金押注钢铁侠(Iron Man)和他的伙伴能够帮助迪士尼摆脱困扰娱乐产业的问题。
If you are looking for some good business lessons or just wanting to kill a couple of hours watching an entertaining movie - check out 'Iron Man'.
The other two are “Alice in Wonderland,” which sold over $116 million in its opening weekend, and “Iron Man 2,” which opened to over $128 million.
The other two are “Alice in Wonderland,” which sold over $116 million in its opening weekend, and “Iron Man 2,” which opened to over $128 million.