But as for you, the LORD took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.
Using sponge iron reduced by iron ore concentrate powder as raw material, the smelting process of pure iron is investigated through non vacuum induction furnace and vacuum induction furnace.
In order to improve smelting coefficient of blast furnace, produce more molten iron and decrease energy consumption, enterprise usually adopts furnace top high pressure operation.
Iron is extracted from the ore by smelting in the blast furnace.
During the smelting of an iron ore containing high fluoride content in a small blast furnace, the hearth refractories were severely corroded.
The hydraulic pressure clay gun is smelts iron one of blast furnace important equipment, may facilitate stops up the taphole, in order to next smelting.
Sintering process is essential in the procedure of the iron and steel smelting, sinter, the quality of which has a direct impact on the quality of steel, is a vital raw material for blast furnace.
Through analyzing the functions of the cinder viscosity in iron—smelting furnace, this paper puts forward some effective measures for regulating and controlling the cinder viscosity.
The result got from the iron smelting test in cupola furnace shows that the coke briquettes can be used as foundry coke.
The new craft of smelting chrome iron by shaft furnace was performed by Bao steel.
The test process of smelting ferrosilicon using acid iron concentrate pellet which is raw materials for blast furnace iron-making instead of steel cuttings is briefly stated.
The effects of bottom blowing flow rate, top blowing flow rate and top lance level on mixed time in iron bath of smelting reduction furnace were studied with water modeling.
Under high speed preheat in blast furnace and gasification in iron-bath for smelting reduction the pyrolysis of pulverized coal injection is the first important stage.
The blast furnace dust is a kind of solid waste that produced in the process of iron smelting. It is one of the main solid wastes of the steel plant.
The foaming process curve under different conditions has been determined in iron bath during smelting reduction of blast furnace dust and sludge.
In the iron-smelting furnace the charges will finally produce two kind of liquid: molten iron and cinder.
It analyzes the disadvantages in the smelting of blast furnace and provides an important base for rational use of ironstones in iron-smelting.
Production costs and pollution can be reduced in iron-smelting by means of SAD in small blast furnace.
The purpose of development non-blast furnace technology is reduce iron and steel process, save energy, and efficient production. So far formed by direct reduction and smelting reduction process based.
The pig iron with low content of the phosphorous can be obtained by the smelting reduction in comparison with the blast furnace.
The pig iron with low content of the phosphorous can be obtained by the smelting reduction in comparison with the blast furnace.