When the concentration droped to 4%, an irreversible change in the myocardium ultrastructure was obviously observed.
“We cannot yet be sure that there is an irreversible change in the trend, ” he told a parliamentary debate on joblessness on November18th.
The report reflects climate scientists' growing fears that Earth is nearing the stage when carbon dioxide rises will bring irreversible change to the planet.
Nevertheless, most importantly, the progress is steep invoking irreversible change to the management profession and consequently to the local and global economic environment.
Action to restore appropriate price incentives, notably through corrective carbon pricing, is urgently needed to lower the risk of irreversible and potentially devastating effects of climate change.
The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.
She was 26 when she had her tubal ligation, and when I asked why she'd chosen irreversible contraception at such a young age—she's married, what if she and her husband change their minds?
However even since the 2007 IPCC assessment the evidence for dangerous, long-term and potentially irreversible climate change has strengthened.
Climate change is essentially irreversible, according to a sobering new scientific study.
Any fossil fuel infrastructure built in the next five years will cause irreversible climate change, according to the IEA. Photograph: Rex features.
Most scientists agree that beyond some critical threshold, climate change is irreversible and probably catastrophic.
World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns.
The idea that changes will be irreversible has consequences for how we should deal with climate change.
People realize that unless we take steps to arrest climate change, we are heading toward catastrophic consequences that will be irreversible.
The Prince of Wales is to issue a stark warning that nations have "less than 100 months to act" to save the planet from irreversible damage due to climate change.
A powder coating designed to undergo an irreversible chemical change during heating and will not revert to the liquid stage when reheated.
This irreversible process has resulted in the historic change of literature, which in turn has excited debates among literary people holding different attitudes.
Some irrevocable decision. Some irreversible action. Some choice that will lead to change, even if that change is less than fully desirable.
Some irrevocable decision. Some irreversible action. Some choice that will lead to change, even if that change is less than fully desirable.