Play mahjong game can be sent boring time, when the mood is bad at playing mahjong also can let be agitated mood, no wonder people like to play the game.
Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive, it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship.
At the end of the book the child's true identity is discovered, and the bad guys get their just deserts.
The red rose often looked at the cactus and said bad words about it, like "This plant is useless."
What's really bad about this is these athletes are supposedly promised at least one thing as reward for all their blood and sweat.
What's really bad about this is that these athletes are supposedly promised at least one thing as reward for all their blood and sweat.
She is afraid her husband will fall ill if he doesn't get rid of his bad habit of smoking both at home and at work.
Keith has had a bad day at work, and he is feeling old.
I've read Heaton's other books, and he is very good at writing about bad guys, but what is he trying to tell us by letting the bad guys in this book win everything in the end?
"Her name is Rachel," said Miss Brown." Too bad you two young girls couldn't have lived here at the same time."
The factory's equipment is not up to much, but its products are not at all bad.
The first step in breaking a bad habit is to look at why you find this action so compelling.
The conventional view is that rage at work is bad, as well as being mad and dangerous.
The rate at which they're lending is upward of 20%, compared to the Banks' 6.7%, a rate at which it is easier to roll over bad loans.
Yelling at your kids is a bad habit because it leaves everybody feeling tense and tears down your children's self-esteem.
'Power' is held by the bad guys at the top, and is not conceived as something that permeates the entire social body, determining how we work, think and consume.
A weakness is not what you are bad at. A weakness is any activity that drains you. Or, in other words, a weakness is any activity that depletes you.
Jonathan Fields recently wrote an excellent piece on how the key to getting better at something is to make more bad stuff.
Asking for help is not a bad thing; we have all done it at some point.
By the end of the prologue, the dimmest reader should have got the point (speculation is bad); and the same point is still being made at the end of the main text on page 447.
Blowing your nose in public, and especially at the table, is considered to be a bad manner.
I'm not sure if this approach is a good thing or a bad thing at the moment, but it's what is implemented.
HOWEVER bad you might think David Cameron is at managing relations with his own parliamentary party, he is worse than that.
Injection for any purpose is a bad thing and needs careful consideration at all times.
The upshot is that it's pointless to say that one type of worker is good at multitasking, and another is bad.
While no one would suggest that being devoted to your children is a bad thing, don’t do it at the risk of your relationship, says Dr. Parrott.
Maybe cancun, in its general agreement at least, is good rather than bad news: but it isn't big news for Britain 2011.
It is the Darwinian failure of being at the bottom of the heap that is truly stressful and bad for the health.
At the extreme, this is a bad thing, but for me, at least, technology lets me keep in touch with more friends in a wildly more efficient way.
At the extreme, this is a bad thing, but for me, at least, technology lets me keep in touch with more friends in a wildly more efficient way.