Night molar is an abnormal function of the mouth, and its cause, is not very clear.
The TV flickers a lot when I am watching a movie and at times the image is not very clear.
In fact, what they should uphold, you is not very clear and it was waiting for Nazhi warm hands?
But though have learned English for 12 years, she is not very clear about the terms about haircut.
If your application already USES external report file, then your question is not very clear to me.
However, the mechanism by which oligochitosan interacts and activates macrophages is not very clear.
Social stratification is not very clear in the village, and memory of community is disappearing gradually.
Small and focused, limits the division of space is not very clear, "gray space" features prominent, there is a hazy beauty;
Reaction of the reasons for the occurrence of shape, this is not very clear, possible causes are mainly about a few aspects.
Recent years, EMT has also been found in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck(SCCHN), but the mechanism is not very clear.
So just making a constructor private doesn't communicate the intention very well, and the resulting error is not very clear, either.
Tooth hypersensitivity is a relatively common problem experienced in clinical dental practice, but the mechanisms is not very clear.
This time, although he vomit a phrase is not very clear, but I heard a tune, unexpectedly is jay Chou's "in the west wing of the affair".
Thus far, it is not very clear that the cellular and molecular pathogenesis associated with deterioration of cardiac function in heart failure.
But because the development peroid and environment cultivated of vegetable are different from these of fruit, the conclusion is not very clear.
The mechanism of temperature crack in masonry structure is not very clear, but is important for research on the temperature field of masonry structure.
If the person who is talking says something that you do not understand or is not very clear, don't assume a thing but ask them to clarify their statement.
Its etiology is not very clear, which maybe related to heredity, viral infection, inflammation, immune function disorder, and neurotransmitter disturbance.
At present, the real stress in the beam end is not very clear, and there just listed some structural measures to ensure the safety of that area on the norms.
Its pathogenesis is not very clear. The main clinical symptom is the functional renal failure, which is crucial for the correct diagnosis of this kind of disease.
Many users of the mechanical temperature control water heater on the label is not very clear, according to the current water heater marked as a simple explanation.
Almost all of the enterprises and managers pay great attention to performance evaluation, But it is not very clear for the enterprise to precede the performance management.
Almost all of the enterprises and managers pay great attention to performance evaluation, But it is not very clear for the enterprise to precede the performance management.