The time is ripe for foreign deals, he chirps.
One area that is ripe for parallelization is sorting and searching in large data sets.
Thus, the entire sector is ripe for consolidation through mergers and acquisitions.
And analysts have been saying for some time the market is ripe for more consolidation.
Tools that support collaborative development is an area that is ripe for new, innovative ideas.
Your company has both delivery and quality issues in the recent past, so the time is ripe for change.
With our hardware-accelerated graphics, the time is ripe for a rich and interactive graphics-driven web.
The world today is ripe for another tectonic shift in our understanding of the university as an institution.
Growing e-book sales and the opportunity for targeted advertising mean space in e-books is ripe for corporate messages.
Some believe that with company valuations at a relative low compared with recent years the time is ripe for acquisitions.
Because the traditional init process (sysvinit) is a serial process, this portion of the system is ripe for optimization.
After the heated price bargaining, the solution for streaming and production to operate in and IP network is ripe for the picking.
The industry's extreme capital-intensity is certainly a barrier to entry, and in theory a market with only a few suppliers is ripe for rigging.
For China, its successful experience should be used for reference, and a secondary market should be set up when the time is ripe for action.
The irony of this perception is that the marketplace, especially since the dot-com bust of 2001, is ripe for small projects and nimble teams.
这种认识是错误的,让我们来看一下市场,特别是2001年 .com破碎之后,小型项目和敏捷团队的时机成熟了。
The way Marty Markowitz sees it, the rundown nine-acre park where Coney Island and Brighton Beach meet is ripe for a sparkling transformation.
Like the last example, the page is ripe for SQL injection attacks because the executed SQL is constructed dynamically from a user-entered value.
Having spent the prior weeks with the senses deprived while afloat in amniotic fluid, a newborn animal's somatosensory cortex is ripe for change.
Annette suggested that the current situation is ripe for doing hours and hours of manual testing as automated testing at this stage would be time consuming.
It seems that the space is ripe for a company like Google or PayPal to jump in and offer a similar solution that could work across multiple browsers and phone operating systems.
They don't seem to regard us as a threat-even with the firepower our comrades supply, "he added, indicating the clones," but I assure you that all Garuda is ripe for rebellion.
Planetary alignment within your solar system has considerable effects on behavior and attitudes, especially when the juxtaposition of the planets and sol is ripe for energy surges.
However, this is an area that is ripe for further research as we look to go beyond catalogs of meta-patterns and recognize, organize and disseminate pattern languages that focus on meta-patterns.
The education industry is ripe for a change, and let's try to accept online education.
In fact, papain has been extracted to make dietary supplements for digestion. Thus, the unripe papaya is considered to have more healing powers for constipation than the ripe one.
In the Network Era-that age we have just entered-dense communication is creating artificial worlds ripe for emergent coevolution, spontaneous self-organization, and win-win cooperation.
Suddenly, friendship is as ripe an area for product placement as music videos (and in some cases, music itself).
Suddenly, friendship is as ripe an area for product placement as music videos (and in some cases, music itself).