Many people believe that a silent, tidy setting is the way to go, but that doesn't seem necessarily true.
I'm telling you guys, working for yourself is the way to go.
If you want to look antique but not aged, then platinum is the way to go.
Remember it is all about you and the man of your dreams. Whatever you want is the way to go.
American Heart Association Says' C-A-B 'Is the way to Go: Compressions, Airway, and breathing.
美国心血管协会称“C - A - B”的顺序是指:按压,气道和呼吸。
I'm not saying that introvert is the way to go, or that you should be gregarious all the time.
I feel gift certificates in electronic or computer stores like Best Buy or Apple is the way to go.
If you can't tell the difference between a wedge and an iron, maybe miniature golf is the way to go.
What is the way to go and sometimes we do not even know, want to give up, be more often involuntarily.
But we feel this is the way to go because it works today, and we can build up on the current proofs of concept.
The Mediterranean diet -- one heavy on veggies, nuts and fruit, with limits on meat and dairy -- is the way to go.
Now that you know the techniques, here is the way to go about using them together to produce optimized applications.
China limits foreign films brought into the country, so television is the way to go for Disney to gain maximum exposure.
This is the way to go and basically we all have to really think about how we're going to live without depending on oil or coal.
If you have programs that would benefit from optimization, then "rolling your own" binaries from the source code is the way to go.
如果您有从优化中受益的程序,那么从源代码中“构造您自己的(rolling your own)”二进制则是您应该选择的方式。
A zinc lozenge is the way to go, but only for short spans; studies show that long-term zinc megadoses can cause copper deficiency.
"Congress doesn't need to worry about working with the White House on this because we think the supplemental is the way to go, " he said.
I'm thinking that for future projects more modular is the way to go so I can just drag and drop the pieces that I need for that project.
OK, beer is not really going to help you lose weight. But if you’re out with friends and want to share a pitcher, light beer is the way to go.
But many countries say they can live without it, because the veto is not used anymore and lobbying for support is the way to go in the Council.
Ultimately cleaning as you go and having your home ‘visitor ready’ at all times is the way to go but that’s not always possible, at least not for me.
Carrie Bloxson, a New York City-based nutritional health counselor who is unaffiliated with the study, says that eating whole foods is the way to go.
If you determine that these types are frequently mapped together, consider using a Submap which is re-usable, otherwise, a Local map is the way to go.
Recommendation: Therefore, we believe that if you need unlimited randomization for the user end, using a proxy to a caching Web service is the way to go.
Conclusion the two-stage operation of liver cancer which is on the base of combining chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy is the way to go of liver cancer therapy.
If you simply need to provide geographically distributed users with access to ClearQuest for operations that do not require the local client, then ClearQuest Web is the way to go.
You are obviously only human and will need to recharge your batteries every now and then, but that doesn't mean that not publishing blog posts for several days in a row is the way to go.
You are obviously only human and will need to recharge your batteries every now and then, but that doesn't mean that not publishing blog posts for several days in a row is the way to go.