There is an equilibrium distribution relationship between DIPE and isopropanol.
The present invention is an improvement of dewaxing process of isopropanol and urea.
The flour is mixed In a solution of lactic acid In aqueous isopropanol and left to stand.
A uniform inter-connective porous structure is successfully prepared using isopropanol as the nonsolvent.
The results show that there is no self-poisoning in the electrooxidation of isopropanol in alkaline media.
Objective To study the clinical effect on using isopropanol intravenous anaesthesia in induced abortion operation.
DNA was extracted by proteinase K digestion, phenol and chloroform extraction as well as isopropanol precipitation.
It has a permanent ink that resists even the harshest chemicals, including formalin, ethanol, isopropanol and xylene.
A new catalytic distillation process for the endothermic reaction of the dehydrogenation of isopropanol is developed in this work.
A new separation process was developed for fractionation of soya lecithin with high phosphatidylcholine (PC) content using isopropanol.
The EQCM studies provide quantitative results of surface mass variation and have thrown new light in the elucidating isopropanol oxidation.
As for the study of ADWC, the same research methods as those of EDWC are introduced and the case assessed in this paper is isopropanol dehydration.
The actions of HPAs with supporters were not the same, and they directly affect the activity and selectivity of dehydration of isopropanol in vapor phase.
The reaction conditions and reaction mechanism were studied on synthesis of isopropyl chloride from isopropanol and hydrochloric acid catalyzed by zinc chloride.
Decoration film on glass surface doped with phthalocyanine blue was prepared by sol-gel process using tetraethoxysilane, isopropanol and water as the raw materials.
Experiment on the relationship between the coating Numbers and electrochemical properties of electrodes with butanol - isopropanol and water as solvents were also did.
The effect of kinds and concentration of epoxy monomers, isopropanol and BP on photosensitive properties of epoxy polysiloxane (CEPS) cationic photopolymerization system.
The surface area, the pore volume and the activity of isopropanol decomposition reaction are only a function of exchange degree and are not affected by the exchange methods.
The dynamic experiments further show that 20% ethanol and 20% isopropanol are good for their high elution speed and large distribution ratio of 6-APA in the liquid phase etc.
通过动态 解 吸实验,进一步说明20%乙醇和20%异丙醇的 解 吸速率快,洗脱集中,液相的6-APA分配系数大。
Moreover, the isopropanol recovering liquor after the first treatment is subjected to secondary treatment to obtain the isopropanol recovering liquor with higher concentration.
The present invention provides a kind ink for ink jet printer and containing coloring agent, EDTA, 1, 1, 3, 3-tetramethyl urea, sodium dithiaamino formate, isopropanol and borax.
It was shown that there was by product acetone in the products of propene hydration etherification, while there existed no acetone in the products of isopropanol dehydration reaction.
If the tertiary butyloxycarbonyl group is being used as amino-protecting group, its removal is effected with acid, such as HCl and isopropanol as a solvent or with trifluoroacetic acid neat.
It is soluble in alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, benzene, toluene, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride, and easy to absorb moisture and reacts with water into aluminium hydroxide and isopropanol.
This paper discusses the optimum condition for preparing carboxymethyl starch with high degree of substitution and high viscosity by using the solution isopropanol-water through etherification.
Veratryl alcohol was synthesized through the reduction of sodium borohydride from veratraldehyde with isopropanol as solvent, followed by solvent extraction and distillation under reduced pressure.
A capillary GC method with FID detector for the determination of residual organic solvents ethanol, isopropanol, dichloromethane, n-hexane, tetrahydrofuran, DMF and dimethyl malonate was established.
建立了毛细管气相色谱法测定甲磺酸齐拉西酮中残留溶剂乙醇、异丙醇、二氯甲烷、正己烷、四氢呋喃、D MF、丙二酸二甲酯的残留量。
A capillary GC method with FID detector for the determination of residual organic solvents ethanol, isopropanol, dichloromethane, n-hexane, tetrahydrofuran, DMF and dimethyl malonate was established.
建立了毛细管气相色谱法测定甲磺酸齐拉西酮中残留溶剂乙醇、异丙醇、二氯甲烷、正己烷、四氢呋喃、D MF、丙二酸二甲酯的残留量。