You can barely feel the weight in your pocket. It can be said that it will be the ideal player for athletes.
Now in retrospect it can be said that his song made a difference in their struggle.
Yet it can be said that at the same time nothing is changed and everything is transformed.
It can be said that the chaotic secular material world should be recorded in refined way.
In the fullest sense of the word, it can be said that everything in that work is essential.
It can be said that renewable energy industry in China has been referred to an unprecedented height.
It can be said to be very difficult, mainly because we did not have the ability to cross-sea combat.
It can be said to establish their own websites have become units of the enterprise or individual needs.
It can be said that this trend is likely to adjust interest rates in the future is an important aspect.
It can be said that the confidence of Semarang to what extent, the practice of Buddhism is to what extent.
It can be said that wall surface coating quality quality direct relation mural painting success or failure.
It can be said that the expected profits can not give us foresight, but it can give us the most timely alert!
It can be said that bilateral relations have entered the best period since the establishment of diplomatic ties.
It can be said, whether it is the media or overseas Chinese literature forum, Alexeyevich's concern is not much.
Therefore it can be said that all parties have made their contributions to the re-opening of the six party talks.
All in all it can be said that switching to a significantly more powerful programming paradigm comes at a low price.
Itself does not occupy the space, in this basis can also save some money, it can be said to be a more economical choice.
Therefore, it can be said safely that to a certain degree, pragmatic failure is much more serious than grammatical error.
It can be said that at present China has Basically solved its food problem, and is now enjoying a relative oversupply of grain.
It can be said that during this period, China's wealth swelled considerably and the national economy was raised to a new stage.
Indeed, it can be said without exaggeration that the enemy was operating with an air force three times stronger than his normal force.
It can be said that such a cognition is wrong as it failed to correctly understand the relationship between knowledge and natural resources.
We are using logical extrapolation of experience to understand things before we have experienced them (in this way it can be said to be a priori).
It can be said that the network information security is still a big proposition, the purpose and means of network attacks are becoming more diverse.
It can be said that the network information security is still a big proposition, the purpose and means of network attacks are becoming more diverse.