But it is quite another thing to educate the spirit for the higher life and to devote our energies to its service.
Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it being performed live is quite another.
So, designing a site is one thing, and ensuring it shows up in relevant searches on search engines; quite another.
It is one thing to make a battery-powered car; quite another to make one sufficiently cheap and powerful for people to buy it.
It is one thing to identify the shortcomings of ratings, quite another to find alternative standards that are clearly better.
It is one thing to manipulate cells in a test tube, quite another to treat people.
But it is one thing to announce spending cuts, and quite another to carry them out.
Anyone who's ever run a website knows that building the site is one thing, getting people to use it is quite another.
It's one thing to know that the financial system is shaky, and quite another to forecast when it actually will crumble.
It is one thing to outline a conceptual approach to building virtual images, but it is quite another to implement such an approach.
Staking his future on the digital venture is one thing, but staking the future of the TMG on it is quite another.
It is one thing to assert this in a campaign speech or on the floor of the Congress; it is quite another to produce facts sufficient to prove it in an international court of law.
And it is one thing to build a new road, but quite another to put in place complex new systems providing social security.
It is one thing to look at the execution plan for SQL Server queries, it is quite another to know what they mean.
It is one thing to demonstrate the effects of a protein in experiments, and quite another to add that protein to a food likely to be consumed by children.
Yet it is one thing to recognise a problem, and quite another to do something about it.
It is one thing to own a library; it is quite another to use it wisely.
If you have written a great book, the world to come will know of it. But you don't care for posthumous glory. You want to enjoy fame in a comfortable armchair. Ah, that is quite another thing.
It is one thing to say I am going to lose ten pounds but it is quite another figuring how.
It is one thing to forego personal happiness for a public end, but it is quite another to treat the general happiness as a thing of no account.
It is one thing to forego personal happiness for a public end, but it is quite another to treat the general happiness as a thing of no account.