Well, I mean, you wouldn't buy a skirt without asking your friends first…if it looks good on you.
It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community.
After all, just because you spend a lot of money on a shirt doesn't mean that it looks good.
Imagine your neighbour asks you to water their plants while they're on holiday Socially, it looks good for you if you agree to do it.
When you peek behind the kitchen doors, the food never looks as good as when it comes to your table on fine China perfectly garnished. Business is messy and chaotic.
When it looks good, you move on to the next light and surface, ” Barowsky explains. “Make your set tight, and don’t allow ambient light to spill onto the piece and affect color temperature.”
It looks good to me, but you can try on a bigger size if you feel uncomfortable.
I think so. Real homelike. It was redecorated this spring. Do you see anything on the menu that looks good. I don't know where to begin.
It's okay that you follow some trendy hairstyles but it does not mean if specific hairstyle looks good to others that the same effect would reflect on you.
PHOEBE: Your hair looks too good, I think it would upset her. Ross, you come on in.
Another ridiculous ring design for me... I don't think it looks good and more, it doesn't seem comfortable to me at all. Like you put handcuffs on your finger.
While the combat looks good, it doesn't create a sense of drama, nor does it require any skill beyond simply clicking on the combat moves you want to use.
When you focus intently on the catch, your body should rotate to a point that looks exactly like you'd want it to while swimming good freestyle.
Bill, I'm sorry but this sales plan looks half-baked to me. there are some good ideas here, but I want you to take it back and do some more work on it.
Bill, I'm sorry but this sales plan looks half-baked to me. there are some good ideas here, but I want you to take it back and do some more work on it.