As for this work, based on a positive response from industry customers, the Boeing Co. developed the first glass cockpit for its 767 aircraft of 1982.
Indeed, in the late 1990s Credit Suisse was one of the first private Banks to introduce "open architecture", whereby customers were offered rival investment funds as well as its own.
Seeing the benefits of our catching bugs before the customers did, the company created its first testing team.
One of its first customers was Palo Alto, Calif. -based IMVU Inc.
Sure enough, Digicel signed up new customers so fast that the company had to rewrite its business plan after the first week.
And it's impossible for a company to claim it CARES about its customers if it doesn't care about its employees first.
First, the company plans to help provide improved and tailored services to both its large agency customers and its smaller business customers.
With the cost of the network paid for by its customers, Internet phone company Skype signed up 400 millions users in its first five years.
Last year it launched its first campaign under the theme "Simply Manischewitz" designed to reach out beyond Jewish customers.
去年,该公司以“simplymanischewitz”为主题进行了第一次的宣传,simply manishewitz面对的客户群体并不限于犹太人。
One of its first customers was Palo Alto, Calif.-based IMVU Inc., which operates an online game where 55 million registered players can build virtual identities and chat in 3-d.
Amongst its more prominent customers is Adobe's ColdFusion, support we first reported in 2007.
Starting on Tuesday, Dish Network customers will be able to view on its Web site for the first time shows from several cable networks, including Discovery Channel, HGTV and MTV.
从周二开始,Dish 的网络用户将能够在第一时间在其网站上看到Discovery频道、HGTV和MTV等多家有线电视网络的节目。
Based on that work and a positive response from industry customers, the Boeing Co. developed the first glass cockpit for its 767 aircraft in 1982.
The company made its first videos in Australia and its first customers were on America’s West Coast.
The company made its first videos in Australia and its first customers were on America's West Coast.
During its first quarter, McDonald's existing restaurants in China recorded a decline in sales as the company reduced lunch prices to stem the loss of customers to cheaper local alternatives.
The first is China's overly managed interest rate policy: Banks are only allowed to offer its customers a maximum 3.5% interest rate on one-year deposits.
Nokia, which makes almost four in ten of all the mobile phones sold worldwide, last week reported its first quarterly loss in more than a decade as its customers defect to the iPhone.
It is winning customers from its rivals and, after a profitable quarter, is hoping to post its first full-year profit since the boom.
With the cost of the network paid for by its customers, Internet phone company Skype signed up 400 million users in its first five years.
The first product for customers is expected to come late this year or early in 2011. The company will eventually apply its OMAP4 chips for smartphones and possibly tablets.
据悉首款面向消费者的类似机型将于今年年底至2011年初之间上市,另外德州仪器公司还将把OMAP4 SCO芯片推广到智能手机以及平板电脑机型市场中去。
As it gears up to fly its 100th million passenger by the third quarter this year, Asia's first low cost airline, AirAsia, is working on how to turn price-sensitive customers into loyal ones.
As it gears up to fly its 100 millionth passenger by the third quarter this year, Asia's first low cost airline, AirAsia, is working on how to turn price-sensitive customers into loyal ones.
An Indian restaurant is set to become the first takeaway in the world to deliver its meals to customers' doorsteps by drone.
Taking "customers and credit first" as its sole operation principle, UPU provides the customers with the best quality products and services.
From the product sales, technical consultation, design process and after-sales service, with its professional and first-class standard, won the domestic numerous customers and welcome.
Series measures are taken in accordance with its material? Structure and technical requirement, first order casting satisfied by customers is produced.
So by putting employees first, we can bring about fundamental change in the way a company creates and delivers unique value for its customers and differentiates itself from its competitors.
Based on its management tenet, Wahda aims at creating more value for its customers by promoting the corporate spirit of "honesty, customer first" as its competitive strategy.
Based on its management tenet, Wahda aims at creating more value for its customers by promoting the corporate spirit of "honesty, customer first" as its competitive strategy.