On its Web site, the White House Budget Office says the program to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments.
It does so both in narrowly targeted ways, such as advising the White House, and in scattershot ways, such as Posting its course materials on the Internet.
The White House wants to raise taxes on large corporations and wealthy individuals to help pay for its economic initiatives.
His mother, as free with a slap as with a hug, bars Toto from his beloved movie house when she finds he has again spent 50 lire, the milk money, on its grainy offerings.
Judah is to remain in its territory on the south and the house of Joseph in its territory on the north.
When we bought the house, the bathroom was carpeted (beyond gross) and the everything was on its last leg.
Shame then on the House of Guise for its leading role in this and other actions against the Protestants? That certainly has been the verdict of many historians.
The House measure strengthening safety and environmental standards would also bar BP from new leases, based on its safety record.
Maintaining a white finish over a length of time would present its own problems as a paint finish on such an exposed part of the house could require regular maintenance with difficult access.
White House spokesman says the United States will provide appropriate aid and says some relief is already on its way to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
The house door was ajar, too; light entered from its unclosed windows; Hindley had come out, and stood on the kitchen hearth, haggard and drowsy.
As the Economist went to press, the House had not yet voted again on a bill, after its rebellion on September 29th.
We'd agreed to meet at this safe house on the condition I did not report its location.
Its circular brick-and-cement foundation is stationary, supporting a steel track on which the house revolves, moved by a small electric motor.
For that reason Germany has so far paid a higher price for its reliance on exports than the Anglo-Saxon countries have borne for their dependence on credit and rising house prices.
This move by the ECB was done on the condition that Italy meets certain fiscal targets to get its economic house in order.
It depends on unelected life senators for its majority in the upper house and so is vulnerable to even a small rebellion on its own side.
Whereas the deficit has become more prominent the White House has its eyes on another concern: jobs.
While the White House dug its heels in on global warming, much of the rest of the country was moving.
The tax cut compromise brokered by the White House and Congressional Republicans was scheduled for its first vote in the Senate on Monday afternoon. Lawmakers expect it to pass easily.
Meanwhile, the White House threw its weight behind a push to establish tougher rules on the gathering of data on the web in a mooted "privacy bill of rights".
The Defense Department is working on a major review of its space "posture" to be completed later this year, after a similar inter-agency effort for the White House.
In its first two months, the house put on three fully staged operas, all of which were well attended.
In his budget statement, delivered to the House of Commons on 24 March, Darling said that the UK must renew and modernise its energy supplies if it hoped to improve its infrastructure.
However, its leaders still drone on about the need to dissolve the lower house. They see that as their quickest route back to power.
On the 27 July 1949 the Lords voted on its composition. Although no legislation followed, this vote established for the first time that the House of Lords was in favour of admitting women.
The Augustine committee, appointed by the White House to review NASA's human space flight programme, is set to release its final report on Thursday.
Asthe program has swelled in the last few years, the institute hasoutgrown its main building and expanded to classroom space behindthe International House of Pancakes on the campus’s main drag.
Two weeks later the sweaters were finished. And the first shipment from the new house of Schiaparelli was on its way to the United States!
Two weeks later the sweaters were finished. And the first shipment from the new house of Schiaparelli was on its way to the United States!