The composition of an intelligent active member and its operating mechanism are presented for aerospace adaptive-deployable structures.
The composition of the intelligent active member and its operating mechanism are presented for aerospace adaptive-deployable structures.
A sophisticated evaluation of family members' EE and understanding of its operating mechanism could be the basis for family intervention, which contribute to the success of family therapy.
This paper expounds the necessity for improving oil and rust removal process on metal surface, as well as its operating mechanism, the whole process, the bath control and its main characteristics.
This can be done using known techniques, such as placing the Deployment Manager on its own system, and protecting that system with an operating system failover mechanism (for example, HACMP for AIX).
The NAS device uses an internal operating system,which acts as a control mechanism for managing data storage,semantics and control for reading and writing data onto its disks.
The dynamic complexity of the global market environment makes transnational corporations' traditional operating mechanism unable to guide its global business activities effectively.
In our country, community economy comes form street economy, and its economic subjects, property right structure and operating mechanism is different from street economies'.
This can be done using known techniques, such as placing the Deployment Manager on its own system, and protecting that system with an Operating System failover mechanism (for example, HACMP for AIX).
这可以使用已知的方法实现,如在自已的系统上放置DeploymentManager和使用操作系统故障转移机制(例如,用于 AIX 的HACMP)来保护系统。
This means that the operating mechanism must be able to move sufficiently far enough away from the valve to allow the valves to be fully closed against its seat by the valve spring.
It has its unique operating mechanism and glamour of morality.
From the view of management, this article analyzes the organizing and operating mechanism of mass education mission, and summarizes its characteristics.
This study USES microstructure theory to analyze the operating and transaction mechanism of gold coin market in China and the speciality of its gold coin market operation.
The interaction between operating mechanism and interrupter of a puffer circuit-breaker is regarded as a dynamic control system. Its mathematical model of breaking process is built.
The basic operating mechanism, main parameters and measuring methods of MOS Integrated Ammonia -sensitive Sensor are discussed in this paper and Its extensive market is also given.
In the feeder system, along with operating frequency's enhancement, the influence of mechanism factors on its electricity performance is getting more and more remarkable.
The problems such as concept, type, operating mechanism of agriculture management integration strategy, as well as its implement c.
This paper relates to the current development, fire mechanism, operating mode and development tendency of liquid propellant gun and presents its features and advantages.
In this study, in-cylinder Unburned HC formation mechanism and its major sources in si engine are clarified in detail and HC emission under different operating parameters are measured.
In this dissertation, the author tries to explore the ideal model of constructing a virtual learning community for graduates (for short as VLCG later on) and its inherent operating mechanism.
This paper expounds the basic operating mechanism of manual nerval nonlinear dynamical net system, and analyses its application in automobile fault diagnosis and its features.
This thesis focused on its three types of operating mechanism: enterprises enter incubating and screening mechanism, foster mechanism, and exit mechanism.
This paper describes the mechanism and the operating principle of the cantilever loading robot. Its automatic control system based on PC is discussed in details.
A variable valve timing mechanism has been developed. Its structure, operating principle and practical effects on the engine and vehicle performances are also presented.
The foundation of its integrated operation is to join the products supply chain of industrial and commercial enterprises, the operating mechanism being the supply chain contract, and the...
And the library alliance change the boundary and form of conventional library as a new operating mechanism, which differs from traditional one because of its special content.
Double triangle boom is a kind of directly positioning mechanism, it can remove the drill rod to a target position directly in its operating range.
Its chromatographic characteristics including column efficiency, operating temperature range, thermal stability, polarity and selectivity were studied, and its separation mechanism was discussed.
The NAS device USES an internal operating system, which ACTS as a control mechanism for managing data storage, semantics and control for reading and writing data onto its disks.
This article probes into the educational characteristics of the learning society, analyzes operating mechanism of the individual construction and discusses its influence on the modern education.