What is commonly called multitasking is, in fact, switch-tasking, and its harmful effects on productivity are well documented.
So even though the scientific method-with its hypotheses, data collection and statistical analysis-is well documented, the method by which scientists come to conclusions remains largely hidden.
Because of its popularity and longevity, Struts is full-featured, well-documented, well-supported, and easy to use, develop on, and manage.
The use of LMWH has gained enthusiasm within the orthopedic community due to its well-documented bioavailability and the absence of monitoring for clotting indices (ie, INR).
Must be well documented and the product can be traced back to its origin.
Currently its usually best to just read the source (from which this API Documentation was extracted from anyway), as its very well documented.
Patients should be encouraged to control documented risk factors for cardiovascular disease and to maintain oral health for its well-known health benefits.
Its toxic effects on blood cells are well documented and it's known to cause different kinds of leukaemia, multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
They also need to learn from the well-documented mistakes of others (France Telecom has belatedly hired Technologia, a consultancy which helped Renault with its suicide problem).
They also need to learn from the well-documented mistakes of others (France Telecom has belatedly hired Technologia, a consultancy which helped Renault with its suicide problem).