The key with Japan Post: It's not using's CRM applications.
Japan Postal Bank and Japan Post Insurance should be abolished, not privatized.
Japan Post, which has been a piggy bank for politicians, rarely made loans or risked its customers' money.
Judging by the experimental reverse privatization of Yu-pack, such an argument might be made for Japan Post.
And he wants to halt the planned break-up and privatisation of Japan Post, the banking arm of which is the largest bank in the world measured by deposits.
As Japan's largest financial services institution (which also provides the nation's postal services) Japan post is transitioning from a government-owned agency to a privately run company.
It was for these reasons that Mr Koizumi outlined plans to privatise Japan Post by degrees between 2007 and 2017. His scheme included a sale of shares to the public as early as this year.
因此,小泉计划在2007 - 2017年间逐渐实行日本邮政私有化,而这项计划还包括在2010年尽早将公司股份对外销售。
In post-war Japan, the economy wasn't doing so great, so you couldn't get everyday-use items like household cleaners.
The insight of “power-transition theory” is that satisfied powers, such as post-war Germany and Japan, do not challenge the world order when they rise.
Japan has a huge population of post-war baby-boomers and relatively few young people-indeed, so few children are being born that the population has started to shrink.
This subtle understanding sets China in stark contrast to how Japan viewed the world during its post-war rise.
In South Korea, as well as in Japan, where users post to their social networks on mobile phones more than on PCs, the company is working with network operators to ensure distribution of its service.
In the past 50 years, bureaucrats helped develop the industrial policies that turned Japan from post-war collapse to the second-biggest economy in the world.
Japan was the first country to achieve sustained, high-speed growth, in the post-war years, but it did so alone.
While I Corps Forward will focus on crises in Japan, Mixon's deployable command post in Hawaii would respond to any contingency from Alaska to the Maldives.
However, in Japan since the post-war period they have always played a role in keeping the peace.
The pressure on companies to cut costs is nothing like it was when Japan was trying to dig itself out of its post-bubble mess.
One worrying lesson for bankers and regulators everywhere to bear in mind is post-bubble Japan.
Countries such as Japan and South Korea have invested so heavily in educating their young that more than half now hold post-school qualifications.
This is in sharp contrast with the experience of post-bubble Japan, which indeed had a lost decade and more, but its corporate sector was plagued by zombie rather than productive firms.
企业获得利润生产力得以提升,这是经济健康的标准,并最终有助于其他部门得以复苏。 美国经济与日本的泡沫经济后期将形成鲜明的对比,日本经济消失长达十年之久,有生产力的企业完全被“僵尸”企业拖累。
You could find the dreams of post-war Japan all wrapped up in that one household.
Japan was able to turn its back on Asia for most of the post-war period because of a strong security alliance with America that has now been going for 50 years.
But it also raises the risk of a post-summit backlash in Japan if there is no progress on the islands.
Japan has achieved the secretary of social and professional, the secretary and all sectors of society is a professional, rather than just the name of a bureaucratic post.
Japan has achieved the secretary of social and professional, the secretary and all sectors of society is a professional, rather than just the name of a bureaucratic post.