The efforts to create jobs is "urgent" and the Congress should pass the job plan immediately, Obama said.
According to CareerBuilder, 58 percent of people who are dissatisfied with their job plan to find a new one this year.
Job sequencing and job plan problem are general problem in service, carrying trade and all kinds of enterprise producing.
One in three Americans who are at least 40 have or plan to have a job in retirement to prepare for a longer life, according to a survey conducted by Harris Poll for TD Ameritrade.
You can use the time to plan how to find a new job, learn a new skill, develop your hobbies or see if you can run your own business.
Peter had intended to take a job in business, but abandoned that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.
One day, you can't stand your job any more, so you leave it even though you haven't really had a plan.
If, "you only care about your job," means, "I need more time and attention from you," act on that information as soon as you can. Make a plan with them.
A popular question that I hear often is how long you should hold out for that dream job before moving to plan b.
Having an idea of what else you can do and a plan to do it, is a great safety net to have when you lose a job or your company fails.
If you make a list of all the things you need to learn and do in order to realize your dream job, you will have mapped out a plan for moving ahead.
Such an analysis may prompt you to revise your business plan or its execution, to think about completely different business or... to apply for a regular job.
The plan calls for providing the poor with job training, legal documentation, electricity, literacy, medical treatment, day care, and sanitation.
Have you developed a plan that Outlines the job functions and industries that most interest you?
The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool, career Hub, which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers.
We have no concerns over making sure there is only one tool to do a job included; in fact, we plan to include everything we can get our hands on.
He is slowly putting together a financial recovery plan, and he's found a good job.
For information on how to create and manage a job search project plan see my blog entry on the topic, Using Project Planning Skills in a Job Search .
如果你想知道如何创建和管理一个求职项目计划,请看我的博客,标题是 项目计划技术在求职中的应用 。
It is not what we write down about how we plan to do our job, nor is it a set of rules and such that we must follow blindly.
Young women don't look for the promotion — resisting chasing the big job — because they plan to have a family — often, dream about a family years down the road.
The optimizer takes account of these changes and selects the optimal access plan when the job is executed.
Three weeks later, with damaging gossip swirling, it was Ms. Friedman's job to form a recovery plan.
Plan to have fifteen questions to ask your interviewer; five about the job, five about the company and five about the interviewer.
However, if you want to run a company one day, or move up into management, you shouldstop and check your career plan Is another year at your job going to help you get there?
Though his isn't an easy endeavor and is quite possibly impossible, if it inspires even one person to quit their day job and find happiness in their own plan, then the Dan plan is a success.
The report was also based on a survey that was done before the General Motors bankruptcy plan - which calls for more than 20, 000 job cuts - was announced.
The details of Power8 will be made public only early next year, but the plan is likely to involve considerable job cuts in France and Germany as well as the sale or closure of production sites.
Power 8计划的详细内容要等到明年年初才会公布,不过该计划可能不仅包括出售或关闭空客的几个生产基地,而且还将削减法国和德国境内的大量工作。
I met my husband at HBS, and we had a plan, a pretty darn good plan: I'd have the steady-as-she-goes job, and he would swing for the fences through entrepreneurial pursuits.
I met my husband at HBS, and we had a plan, a pretty darn good plan: I'd have the steady-as-she-goes job, and he would swing for the fences through entrepreneurial pursuits.