You can join a conversation group, such as the chat groups in the study centre.
Now we were able to join the conversation with our readers and we began blogging too, connecting with readers more quickly and on a more personal level than we had in the past.
In order to join a conversation, you've got to be able to find it first.
As a conversation, as a dialogue, it is something the author wants us to join, to take part in.
For example, if I post something on FriendFeed about a product that I'm using, often someone working on that product (or very knowledgeable about it) will join in on the conversation.
If you approach two people in the middle of a conversation, and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they dont want you to join in the conversation.
Join us in a conversation class now and learn how to talk about being daring in English!
Join a conversation class now and we'll talk about how to express your opinion confidently in English.
When eating take small delicate bites. This will allow you to join in conversation without always having a full mouth.
It's also learning how to join the process of journalism, helping to create a massive conversation and, in some cases, doing a better job than the professionals.
Join a conversation class now and learn how to answer your boss confidently and tactfully in English.
Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!
We invited him to join our discussion about pop music, but as soon as he joined in the conversation he started a new topic by talking about last week's NBA finals.
The weather is a true topic of conversation, and you will discuss it with at least two people every day. (I now actively join in with this. )
Express yourself! Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation.
Express yourself! Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation.