The quest can no longer be completed before receiving the actual journal entry.
Spending Skill Points Journal Entry added only after completing Basic Survival Quest.
People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it.
Maybe it's a poem or a journal entry or a significant trinket that means something to the giver.
Just as you do when you create a journal entry, you have to create a new document with the right items.
You should NOT submit a laboratory report, journal entry, creative writing sample or in-class essay.
It was an old journal entry in my dad's handwriting dated exactly one month before the day I was born.
A compound journal entry is an entry that includes debits to more than one account or more than one account.
After class, revise and expand your journal entry based on any new thoughts you have after class discussion.
The actual display of the journal entry USES the JournalNote Composite in the plug-in.
journal条目的实际显示使用com . ibm . lotuslabs . notes. pim插件中的JournalNoteComposite。
Students are not required to submit a journal entry on the book for which their teaching group is responsible.
If something has been changed, a new journal entry is created or the previous one modified with the subject and text.
The journal entry to record depreciation expense consists of a debit to Depreciation Expense and a credit to Accumulated Depreciation.
Maintenance of the general ledger, journal entry, ac reconciliation clearing, preparation of various acing statements financial repts.
Every transaction should record debit account prior to credit account, and state the brief explanation of the reason for the journal entry.
每一笔交易都需要先记录借方, 而后记录贷方;并且需要对其原因给出简短的解释。
This journal entry was recovered from the remains of the Deep Horizon after its orbit deteriorated and it came to rest in the central United States.
A compound journal entry is an entry that includes debits or credits to more than one account, and it is an easy and time-saving method of closing the accounts.
To record the entire effects of a business transaction in a journal in terms of debit and credit, the process is referred as to making a journal entry or journalizing.
Please help me if I'm writing this incorrectly, I only know a few phrases in spoken Mandarin, and this only allows me to save this journal entry as Mandarin, not English.
In March one of her most reluctant seventh graders plagiarized a journal entry about “Tomorrow, When the War Began, ” a novel by John Marsden about children coping with an invasion of Australia.
今年三月,她就发现了七年级有一名不喜欢学习的孩子,抄袭了关于《明天,战争开始了》的读后感。 这本小说创作者是约翰·马士登(JohnMarsden),讲述的是澳大利亚孩子们打败入侵者的故事。
If you are planning on allocated costs across product dimensions, then it may be better to do these allocations in TM1 and then push them back into IBM Cognos Controller as a journal entry upload.
如果您计划跨产品维度划拨费用,那么在TM 1中做这些拨款、然后将它们作为日记账条目上传到IBMCognosController中可能更好。
This transfer is accomplished by a journal entry debiting the revenue account in an amount equal to its credit balance, with a journal entry crediting the income summary account at the same time.
This transfer is accomplished by a journal entry debiting the revenue account in an amount equal to its credit balance, with a journal entry crediting the income summary account at the same time.