Far be it from me to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice.
He peered at me like I'd just puked up on his jeans.
I just remembered it and it made me wonder if there were really flowers like silver bells.
I just got the idea a few months ago after posting some holiday photos on my social media accounts, a lot of people like my photos and started asking me for travel tips.
Afterward, time strode over me slowly, just like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth.
Mum says she's just trying to be like me but it drives me crazy when I'm trying to fix my attention on my work.
I didn't know yet how to judge distance, and when a big truck came near it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me.
The show shows me that the cupcake is just like the cake, but it is a little different.
It's just like the photograph, perhaps the not very good photograph, that reminds me of my friend Ruth.
If you are a book lover just like me, read a book you like for half an hour.
She asked me why, just like she'd asked the other children.
"To sit down and have somebody look at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness, it helped me feel cared about and less alone," she says.
Yes, $150 starts off my day! I'm sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood, I shouted in joy, with my poor dog looking at me like I was crazy! Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.
It honestly took me a while to realize that not all users are just like me!
When I saw they were ordinary human beings just like me I realized I had a choice.
I heard that if there is not light on the dark night, all others in the world are also blind just like me. So I lit up a lantern.
Next I dedigened the cover: A lost guy watching the starfull sky on a quier night seeking answers from silence and loneliness just like me.
But I'd be naive to assume that they don't have other pressures that means sometimes that some things just don't get done, just like me.
You were shocked, just like me, at the amount of involuntary time you spend daily, just browsing around.
But if there was another bear who looked just like me, how would you know which one was me?
He married a Texas girl, I want you to know. A West Texas girl, just like me.
Am I the only one who has recognized this or are there others who are frustrated by this just like me?
He looks just like me. you know. Joana. At least he used to.
I could see that black people looked different, but because he treated them like he did everybody else, asking after their children and about their work, I thought they were just like me.
The owner started out just like me, with just $3,000 — and he's now the owner of four property management franchises.
I'm Lisa Sinclair, and what I want to do is help you find out how to really connect with women, just like me.
I'm Lisa Sinclair, and what I want to do is help you find out how to really connect with women, just like me.