I'm not feeling very social tonight, I'd rather just stay home and read a book.
If you don't want a fight, there are guys who do, so maybe you should just stay home.
Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family, Thank God you had somebody to love.
In some situations, carrying out social duties may be self-destructive when the best thing may be to just stay home.
In some situations, fulfilling social obligations may be self-destructive when the best thing may be to just stay home.
In some situations, fulfilling social obligations may be self-destructive when the best thing may be to just stay home.3.
With so much to think about, it's not surprising that many people prefer going on holiday in their own countries or you might just decide to stay at home.
If you're like most stay at home parents your wardrobe may be a tad dated or just a bit too casual.
Sometimes, if you stay home lying around, feeling depressed, just getting out (after showering and grooming) will change your mood.
It's not just working parents or people with high pressured jobs. It's people who run their own businesses, it's stay at home mums, and retired baby boomers.
"We're just going to eat real good and stay home for this year," he said.
Let's take this example: There's a party you're planning to go to, but your mom just told you to clean your room or stay home. The red-hot anger starts building.
The mobile phone and laptop are not just tools to stay in touch with the office or home anymore.
If you dislike the idea of taking your suit to the cleaners and finding a sitter for the kids just to head out to a job fair, then stay at home and go online.
Most women who stay at home for a period of time are not just doing laundry and homework oversight.
Unfortunately for my children, who’d probably be just as happy to stay home, that reason is what keeps me slogging through the less glamorous parts of motherhood.
I would just say that this is a warning sign that Afghanistan still needs a lot of help from the international community so people can go home and stay home, "he said."
Well, if you won't come with me tonight I'll just have to stay home and cry in my beer.
Sorry, I shouldn't have rushed you, but I just couldn't stay at home and wait.
I want a boy who will stay home with me on a Friday night just to help me make dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket.
Carole Middleton was a stay-at-home-mom when she launched Party Pieces in 1987, when Kate was just 5.
We never talked much, he would just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly head for home.
Honestly, from deep inside, if it wasn't for how much I loved the driving, I love my kids and family and I would just stay at home to not be in this cold English weather.
I could choose to go back to a job outside of the home and earn a fairly good income, but I choose to stay home because it just feels like the right thing to do... for me.
The child with fever clearly needs to stay home, as does the child who is vomiting or is just plain miserable.
Most people watch TV or read books. It doesn't cost much money. They just stay at home, and then relax?
If there is no one asks us to do things, we may just stay at home watching TV or playing computer games.
If there is no one asks us to do things, we may just stay at home watching TV or playing computer games.