You can't just think of yourself.
Just think of how this very simple thing is closely related to dance, a key expression of human culture.
"Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for" is another noise that says one thing and means another.
France's dominance goes far beyond perfumes; just think of Dassault Falcon private jets and Catana yachts.
Just think of the hours of dog eggs, crack his arms on the big mirror some.
For now, just think of an identifier as a String that uniquely identifies a user.
Just think of all those bits of food that would be left behind if we didn't floss.
Just think of all the hellos, good-byes and other unnecessary chit-chat you avoided.
Just think of it as a verbal way to carry on a secret transmission that is beyond words.
Just think of the implications: If love is simply chemicals, doesn't that change its meaning?
Just think of it; men have only two hands and two feet - how can they prepare three meals a day?
If I ever feel like a drink, I just think of my girls and remember how good it feels to hug them again.
Just think of all the extra waste paper generated when messages containing such waffle are printed.
Some people don't even know what a dividend is, they just think of stock as something whose price goes up.
Just think of the money you'll save when on gas and parking when you switch to an all-gift-card approach.
Just think of the romantic possibilities of plaques, MEDALS, ribbons, nameplates, certificates and banners.
Just think of how much emotional pain could be avoided if humans knew just when to exit a romantic relationship?
Just think of each row in your table as potentially having column data, as well as optionally having child nodes.
Even if it's something you hate, just think of all of the boxing matches and football games she has smiled through.
People just think of the famous sections and assume that the rest of the wall is in the same condition, " he added.
Just think of all the successful people in your life-did they truly get to where they are now completely on their own?
Just think of the Preferences object as one big key-value hashtable that structures the keys in a tree-like structure.
For Grid, that means that most people we talk to just think of it as a way to scale out applications across many computers.
When you read "lab personnel," don't just think of a group of people who just manage lab equipment (few teams are that big).
Just think of that day as a dividing line between the smoking you and the new and improved nonsmoker you'll become. Mark it on your calendar.
You could just think of something you'd like to achieve over the next 6 months to a year, and continue to explore different things until you find your dream.
Just think of them as the set of abilities that people have, the things that we can do that other physical objects — chalk, radios, cars — those things can't do.
For a few hours, one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world is brought to a complete standstill – just think of all the logistical and organisational requirements.
For a few hours, one of the biggest and busiest cities in the world is brought to a complete standstill – just think of all the logistical and organisational requirements.