You think this a mere symbolic keepsake, then?
By Qing Dynasty, the fragrant bag had already become keepsake of love.
But most of us hold on to at least one keepsake to remind us of our once-grand passions.
I'd like to buy a keepsake for my girlfriend. Could you make a recommendation for me?
Now, that book is a keepsake and a part of history, and I will pass it on to my children.
When I gave them the taped letter as a keepsake, both his wife and son were moved to tears.
Michael Jackson Opus - an Official Tribute a Great Gift and Keepsake For Future Generations.
The world's greatest works of literature are now available in these beautiful keepsake volumes.
He encourages them to attend the Channing familys estate auction and to buy a particular keepsake.
Use nice stationary and after Valentine's Day get the pages bound together so it can be a keepsake.
Not only will this make the transition easier, but it will also be a nice keepsake to look back on.
I'm not sure that a lot of people are going to read this book, but a lot of people might buy it as a keepsake.
Teach your little one their letters and counting at the same time with this keepsake bank in silver plate.
Since Junshan is Gaibang sacred, that the keepsake Da Goubang Gaibangbangzhu also most likely use Junshan...
I had them from my father, duman Stewart, and now give you one of them to be a keepsake for last night's work.
This carpet was found in Japan, probably once a keepsake of a Japanese soldierafter a Yuan naval invasion was repulsed.
Unfortunately, the girl met her death soon after the separation with the boy. She went to heaven with the keepsake.
Tongpa is not only an article for use in their daily life, but also a keepsake of love-promise or a kind of beautiful ornament.
As an embodiment, a keepsake is produced from iron by means of carburization, or a pair of gold-titanium rings is produced with at least 3% c.
"Pouch" is the love keepsake that girls make for whom they love. When embroidering pouches, they always immerse in the miss of their sweethearts.
Many such postcards which were originally sourced in Asia were sent by Europeans to family and friends back home or brought to Europe in large ledger-albums as keepsake.
Many such postcards which were originally sourced in Asia were sent by Europeans to family and friends back home or brought to Europe in large ledger-albums as keepsake.