It concludes with a very useful summary of key points, with cross-references to where each key point is dealt with in the book.
Young and old converge on one key point: Overwhelming majorities of both groups said they believe it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations.
The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel's report: "Science never has all the answers."
They put forward many important views at the key point of history, such as resolving people's vindicable claim.
The key point to keep in mind here, however, is that these projects are real, not hypothetical exercises.
The key point realized in the book is that energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of production.
The key point realized in the book is that energy, nottime, is the fundamental currency of production.
The key point to grasp about collaborative-filtering software is that it knows absolutely nothing about movies.
This is a key point about objects: The type of an object is a guarantee of its characteristics.
The other key point is that we are the stewards of the Central Repository where most developers go to get their open source components.
Your ethical and moral values will affect the way you answer the questions. This is a key point.
The key point is that justification — and therefore knowledge of the truth — is a social process.
Please look hard at fig.1 once more, and you can find similar patterned repetitions in the horizontal direction. This is a key point.
A brilliant designer once told me that effective presentation slides only have one message per slide. One slide, one key point.
It's like all those other interactions are practice for that key point, when there's a girl in front of you that you really like.
The key point to remember: If an interviewer is getting bored or appears distracted, cut your answer short and get some feedback.
The key point is that the constructor's parameters are processed before any code inside the constructor is processed.
That way, if you missed a key point or forgot to record contextual details, you still have the idea fairly fresh in your mind.
The example above underscores one key point -- employees sometimes just need to be asked for their opinion.
The overall key point is that the common intuition that jobs are scarce is dangerously wrong in many contexts.
My third key point is that the set of portfolio management practices may be introduced in stages.
The key point about replication conflicts is that handling the errors is domain-specific.
The key point to note here is that the procedure creates successfully even though the temporary table was not declared within the procedure body.
The ability to work and operate with several languages and localizations is a key point, or requirement, for many organizations.
The key point is that no single interaction achieves the meaning of the required service operation.
A key point is that the infrastructure is elastic and can scale up and down based on demand.
One key point is: a fresh AIX 6 or 7 install will automatically install the new defaults for memory.
But you're absolutely right, that's the key point and that then answers, Marcus, what's the texture.
But you're absolutely right, that's the key point and that then answers, Marcus, what's the texture.