When the call ended MP3 needs to replay by key-press.
当蓝牙通话结束后,MP 3需重新按键播放。
You can modify the code presented here to support only key-press events.
So, the keyboard with key-press will be the main input device for ages.
The invention also openly adopts the television with the non engine inducing key-press.
Stand body, double vibration low-sounding, limpidity key-press, seven Color Dazzles the colored lantern.
In application system of Single-chip microprocessor, key-press display circuits take up respectively I/O port.
This paper introduces a method of designing and realizing the key-press panel for CNC Spring Forming Machines.
Most often this feature is ignored, and password text boxes simply record key-press events and ignore key-release events.
If the techniques described in this article are implemented, the release time and the initial key-press time have to be accurate.
The invention is provided with more comfortable holding and protective performance for function key-press group or display device on the handle.
A printing layer is arranged on one face of the touch-sensitive panel towards the circuit board and printed with corresponding key-press positions.
The software is programmed in assembly language, including initialization, key-press and interrupt program such as corresponding subprogram, external and serials.
Running the xevKeyDyn.pl program shows that these passwords have a very short overall time of entry, as well as certain key-press events within 20 milliseconds of each other.
运行 xevKeyDyn.pl程序后发现这些密码的总键入时间非常短,并且某些特定按键事件花费的时间都不超过20毫秒。
Press Windows key+R to bring up the Run dialog box, then type in "taskmgr" and click OK.
按下Windows键+R ,出现了一个“运行”的对话框。在对话框中输入taskmgr ,然后点击确定。
The children played a computer game which promised them a reward if they were able to press the correct key very quickly when asked.
If the passwords collected all of the required key press and key releases, are the same length, and contain all the same characters, a match was found and the subroutine exits successfully.
If there is an error when the batch file runs, the command prompt displays the error message until you press a key.
The feel, on the other hand, corresponds to the behavior that the application shows during interaction -- a right mouse click here, a key press there.
另一方面,感觉则对应于应用程序在交互期间展现出来的行为 ——这里指单击一下鼠标右键,那里按下一个键。
The first check performed ensures that a key press and key-release event is recorded for a given entry.
TIP: To move an item one pixel at a time, select the item and press an arrow key on your keyboard.
The classic example is a GUI where your program must respond when the user does something like press a key or move the mouse.
You'll then see a second boot screen; press your Enter key to select the default.
Press the “R” key to align Northto the top of the screen, giving a direct overhead (plan) view.
The key caps may be printed differently, and the keyboard driver may encode a few more special cases, but the model is the same: Press a key to type a specific character.
If it doesn't, then you need to press a key on your keyboard right when you turn it on.
If there is pipe data (a key press or mouse movement) from the focused application, the appropriate activity binary state is set for the appropriate application.
Press Windows key+R to bring up the Run dialog box, then type in “taskmgr” and click OK.
As you may recall from the xev testing performed above, an individual key press or key-release event causes four or five lines to be printed by the xev program.
Tip: to get additional help, press the Tab key to get to the entry field or button in the wizard's page and press the F1 key.
Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belch will issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.
我们假设你不会把钥匙搞丢,那么只需按钥匙上的红色按钮就行了。 然后你就会听见从你的啤酒杯托发出一声响亮的打嗝声。