Kiki doesn't like the camp at all.
But one day, bored Kiki opens an interesting book.
Sheren slumped to the ground and Kiki and Cecilia had to help her get up.
"I am sad for my brothers and sisters but happy with my mama," Kiki told the paper.
Everybody has to share a bedroom - Mama and Papa, Carlos and Kiki, me and Nenny.
Miyazaki characters are everywhere. Kiki on her broom, a masked ghost from Spirited Away.
Scans had revealed that one of the girls, Kiki, had a heart problem and fluid was leaking from the placenta.
But doctors were amazed when they did a scan to find Nico, who was healthy with an intact placenta, was lying underneath Kiki.
On the way home, we passed a cemetery. Kiki stopped and asked the spirits 'permission for us to pass. It gave me the shivers.
Meanwhile, I appreciated that I can work in Kiki Happy English, so I can have a chance to enjoy the time with those children.
Though New York based artist, Kiki Smith, works with various kinds of materials, she is most widely known for her sculptures.
SINCE April, Kiki Tanaka and hundreds of other ordinary citizens have been uploading radiation measurements to, a non-profit group.
Kiki is also still up and down like men and money into looking for unity and the position myself, have always enlighten all of a sudden a woman Susan home.
This year, Hannes and Kiki choose Belgium, a place full of chocolates and fries, to be the destination of their annual bike tour with their closest friends.
When excited, Kiki would chase females, in as much as giant tortoises can run, while grunting so loudly that his love calls could be heard throughout the entire zoo.
Several, including Kiki Barki of coal miner Harum Energy, debut thanks to recent initial public offerings, of which Indonesia was one of the most active markets in Asia.
煤矿企业哈隆能源公司(Harum Energy)的纪辉琦(KikiBarki)等几人的首次上榜,要归功于近期IPO的发行。印尼是亚洲最活跃的IPO市场之一。
The people closest to me know me as "Kiki" (a nickname that comes from Enrique), and aside from being an artist I am also a son, a brother, a friend--and most recently, a father.
Her most expensive piece was a pair of 3,900 pounds amethyst earrings from London-based jewellery Kiki McDonough, while she also stepped out in a 75 pounds smock dress from Topshop.
凯特身上最昂贵的首饰是来自伦敦珠宝商KikiMcDonough一副价值3900英镑的紫水晶耳环。 不过她也能穿着Topshop上仅仅75英镑的长罩衫式连衣裙现身活动。
The creation of the visual programming was also informed by the Bouba/Kiki effect as discovered by German psychologist Wolfgang Köhler, which demonstrated the brain's association of words and shapes.
这套可视化程序还受到Bouba/Kiki 效应的启发,Bouba/Kiki效应是指脑会在词语和形状之间建立联系。
The creation of the visual programming was also informed by the Bouba/Kiki effect as discovered by German psychologist Wolfgang Köhler, which demonstrated the brain's association of words and shapes.
这套可视化程序还受到Bouba/Kiki 效应的启发,Bouba/Kiki效应是指脑会在词语和形状之间建立联系。