This pore space is known as porosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume.
Parties were able to elude each other for the space of half an hour without going beyond the known ground.
Known as OB runaways, these massive stars tear through space at surprisingly high speed-sometimes hundreds of kilometers per second.
这些被叫做O B速逃星的巨大的恒星在以极高的速度(有时达上百千米每秒)在太空中穿行。
The caching proxy can process any LSID that is resolvable via DNS, so its list of known URIs is technically the global space of LSIDs.
Water ice is a critical resource for future space travelers, as well as a requirement for the development of life as it is currently known.
Dark energy is even more of a challenge: it comes neither from known particles nor from the empty space between them.
She later became a state assemblywoman, the Honorable Joyce Emerson, known for her advocacy of open space, poor children, and the Arts.
后来做了州议会女众议员,成了尊敬的乔伊斯·埃莫森阁下。 女议员喜欢户外空间、穷人家的孩子,还有艺术。
This causes what is known as a context switch from "user space" to "kernel space," although that's just for you information.
Perhaps the best known findings about differences between cultures relate to interpersonal space.
Known as cube satellites, or "CubeSats," the devices help researchers conduct simple space observations and measure characteristics of Earth's atmosphere.
Reflecting sunlight back into outer space (increasing the Earth’s albedo, as it is known) would also cool the planet, and the Royal Society’s authors consider two ways of doing so.
The report, Limiting future collision risk to spacecraft, was commissioned by Nasa last April to evaluate its programmes on 'space junk', officially known as MMOD (Micrometeoroids and Orbital Debris).
Until this week Saturn's small moon Rhea was the only known solid space object thought to have a ring. (Other known ringed bodies, such as Saturn, are mainly gaseous.)
There is a known issue with the amount of ROM space available on an xSeries 346 that creates PCI allocation errors during boot.
xSeries 346上可用ROM的空间数量存在一个问题,在引导时可能会出现PCI分配错误。
Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they never known. They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus.
June 1, 2007 - Astronomers removed light from closer and better known galaxies and stars from pictures taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Composite image of the galaxy cluster Abell 2744, also known as Pandora's cluster, taken by the Hubble and Chandra space telescopes and the Very Large telescope in Chile.
Abell 2744星系团又称潘多拉星团的合成图象,由哈勃望远镜、钱德拉太空望远镜和在智利的甚大望远镜所拍摄。
Hypertext creates it own possibility space. As Jay David Bolter writes in his outstanding, but little known book, Writing Spaces.
As with any hot technology, a mass of respectable and frivolous Copyrights and patents has accumulated in the XML space, and this has affected well-known data formats and some processing conventions.
Each line in the file will contain a word and its synonyms separated by a space character or some other known token.
The second type allocates space out of the original file system, this is known as an internal snapshot.
Scientists have long known that bacteria and viruses grow more rapidly and virulently in space.
The Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 27, pumps out infrared light in this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
Almost all of the bright objects in this Hubble Space Telescope image are galaxies in the cluster known as Abell 2218.
At the American navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (known as SPAWAR for short), in San Diego, a team of more than 30 engineers is trying to solve such problems.
With DMS tablespaces, DB2 has more control over how data pages are physically mapped in disk space groupings known as extents.
For Muscovites, their city's biggest green space used to be known as a place of regimented Soviet-era fun, full of strolling proletarian families eating cheap ice cream to the sound of military bands.
The rocks are astronomical orphans: Scientists can’t connect meteorites in the lab to the asteroid in space that spawned it, a knowledge gap known as the asteroid-meteorite connection problem.
During the hunt for the predicted ripples in space-time - known as gravitational waves - physicists stumbled across a rather puzzling phenomenon.
This region is where communications spacecraft operate and where the energy releases in space known as substorms wreak havoc on satellites, power grids and communications systems.