Unless labeled fat-free, many frozen yogurts contain nearly the same amount of fat as a reduced-fat ice cream, as well as the same number of calories.
The Toshiba Cards of this file are labeled based on the memory chip (s) they contain, not the amount of memory capacity available for data storage by you.
Semi-supervised clustering algorithms use a small amount of supervision information in the form of labeled data or pairwise constraints to improve clustering performance.
The Toshiba Cards of this file are labeled based on the memory chip (s) they contain, not the amount of memory capacity available for data storage by you.
We see an increasing amount of food labeled as organic food. Among those, the organic wines, though show little presence in the market, are on a steady rise. So what does an organic wine mean?
Their progress was tracked by keeping food diaries and the doubly-labeled water test, which is the gold standard in measuring the rate of a person's metabolism or the amount of energy expended.
Their progress was tracked by keeping food diaries and the doubly-labeled water test, which is the gold standard in measuring the rate of a person's metabolism or the amount of energy expended.