The policy will be set forth in a ruling to be issued Wednesday by the Labor Department's wage and hour division, the officials said.
Meanwhile, labor wage raises and the cost of energy and resources makes further reactions to the market's demand and supply relationship and the environmental cost.
Strong labor demand, positive wage growth and declining mortgage rates are positive trends supportive of the residential property market going forward.
Meanwhile, labor wage will increase and the prices of energy and resources will further reflect the relationship of marketing demands and supplies and environmental costs.
For years, Guangdong officials have talked about the need to upgrade the local economy and shift away from reliance on low-wage labor.
Not until the 18th century did labor begin to be divided along a sharp line: wage-earning for the men and unpaid maintenance of household and children for the women.
Labor market structures, however, may prevent convergence of the Shared income, with those countries showing a lower wage rate and consequent inflow of international capital.
Then, with control on other variables and labor market self-selection, the results of simple wage regression indicate that gender wage gap was significantly rising over time.
Differences in wage forms and whether labor supply has elasticity or not, have no influence on the actions of Efficiency Wages Mechanism.
There exists in the current urban secondary labor market the phenomenon that the labor supply of rural laborers and their wages exhibit downward positive feedback approaching their reservation wage.
At first the Knights of Labor was a secret society. It was broad based, welcoming blacks, women, farmers and merchants, as well as wage earners.
Relation between labor and capital is set up on the foundation of wage labor, which stands for the complex relation between employers' interest and employee's.
The protective policy of labor market and the wage rigidity are the key factors of the concomitance of full employment and structural unemployment.
The labor market in China not only is imperfect competition, but also has some other features, so the wage stickiness is strong and the micro-cause is very special.
The height of wage will affect level of effort, labor's quality and labor turnover rate. It affects labor productivity.
Lastly, labor in the West will demand wage increases to compensate for current and future inflation.
National disabled veterans to receive compulsory resettlement of the corresponding increase in unit labor indicators and the total wage base.
Wage, wealth and industrial nature were the key factors in influencing the equilibrium of rural credit market and the equilibrium of labor market.
This paper explicitly models the labor market disequilibrium process, the wage rate dynamic path, and the optimal and adaptive economizing behaviors of economic agents.
The results show: uncompensated wage elasticity of married women and income elasticity are 0.4380 and -0.1845, while labor supply of married men is inelastic.
研究结果表明,已婚女性劳动供给的非补偿性工资弹性和收入弹性分别约为0.4380和- 0.1845,而已婚男性劳动供给缺乏弹性。
The processing of electronic products is a labor-intensive industry. This will increase our country's employment, and can also reduce wage costs compared with in the most developed countries.
On the other hand, the wage of knowledge workers is the transforming form of the price of labor force capital, whose amount is affected by the relationship of supply and demand in labor force market.
To effectively reduce the manufacture cost and improve the efficiency of the equipment acquisition, this paper constructs the game model of cost sharing pricing based on Leontief labor-wage model.
These embodies in the labor contract's made and lifted of , the wage system , the labor and employment system and etc.
Or it depends on their income from nonagricultural industry, i. e. substitutive wage, in the united labor market of urban and rural areas, where labor force can flow freely.
As an international vulgate institution of labor and social security, minimum wage is disputed after its birth.
As an international vulgate institution of labor and social security, minimum wage is disputed after its birth.