For labour-intensive businesses like garments, factory labour is cheap.
Lin said South Africa had to use its develop labour-intensive industries.
A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.
In America, Ireland and Spain, the collapse of labour-intensive construction swelled the dole queues.
But industries that are labour-intensive do better in states that have relatively flexible Labour markets.
The Ocampo loggers' sawmill is old, yet they are loth to upgrade it for a less labour-intensive model.
The VAT adjustment is more a case of micro-level tinkering to provide relief to a labour-intensive sector.
These may be small programmes, and somewhat labour-intensive; but the newly hired workers are not complaining.
China's export still focuses on labour-intensive products, which are easily affected by international markets.
Rising house values boost confidence and spending, and home construction is more labour-intensive than other sectors.
It is also highly labour-intensive, requiring about twice the number of hours from planting to harvest as does wheat.
Firstly, this paper studies the correlation theory in the exportation of resource-intensive and labour-intensive products.
It USES a more labour-intensive production system than the Japanese firms it competes with to take advantage of low Labour costs.
More labour-intensive growth would also boost incomes and consumption and so help to reduce China's embarrassingly large trade surplus.
Even though the climate is suitable, tea-growing is simply too costly, since the process is labour-intensive and resists automation.
These countries are uncompetitive exporters of labour-intensive goods and services, given the low costs and established positions of Asian producers.
For example, whereas prices of the labour-intensive goods that China and others export are falling, prices of the goods they import, notably oil, are rising.
The textile industry in the country, which is labour-intensive is dependent on foreign workers as local workers are not interested in joining the sector.
There, a banker that thousands of labour-intensive factories in Guangdong, the engine-room of China's export-led miracle, have disappeared almost overnight.
那儿有一家广东工厂的老板,几乎一夜之间就消失得无影无踪。 广东省堪称中国出口驱动型经济奇迹的引擎,那里有数千家劳动力密集型的工厂。
Finding the money for such labour-intensive research has been a constant struggle, and Dr Pepperberg relies on private donors and the generous help of volunteers.
At the moment, it is often cheaper to process virgin materials, despite the extra energy required, because collecting and sorting recyclables is so labour-intensive.
The task to systematically collect and organize these drawings and documents is very tedious, labour-intensive and error-prone without the support of a computerized system.
These mills will definitely be loss-making, but at least they can continue to operate and not generate serious unemployment for the economy (steel industry is very labour-intensive).
Constructed in 2015 during Spain's financial crisis and high unemployment levels, the decision was made to use labour-intensive techniques and local workers to help boost the economy.
Constructed in 2015 during Spain's financial crisis and high unemployment levels, the decision was made to use labour-intensive techniques and local workers to help boost the economy.