To attract investors, Panama has adjusted its tax and labour laws.
He is the owner of a restaurant chain that was cited for violations of child labour laws.
About 12,000 of those will go in Europe, where Labour laws are especially stringent.
In a lonely example Jordan extended its Labour laws in 2008 to cover domestic workers.
Calls for new Labour laws that reflect the growing prominence of internships have got nowhere.
Strict Japanese labour laws make "involuntary" lay-offs unfeasible for all but the frailest companies.
"I had an Epiphany that existing Labour laws and regulations didn't fit the way people were working," she says.
In many countries the tax system and the Labour laws discourage companies from growing above a certain size.
That many of the new jobs are formal (ie, legally registered) is despite, rather than because of, the labour laws.
South African labour laws make it hard to fire workers, which deters companies from hiring them in the first place.
India retains rigid Labour laws that make it almost impossible to fire an employee or to hire contract Labour.
Messrs Poddar and Deb name India's "archaic Labour laws" as the "biggest challenge" among many to industrial growth.
Statutory compliance of inter-alia, includes Taxation laws, Labour laws, Foreign Exchange laws, Company Law, etc.
His company, Guy DE Jean, makes most of its annual 150,000 umbrellas in France, despite its troubles with the Labour laws.
他的公司名叫“Guyde Jean”[2],尽管在劳工法方面遇到些麻烦,却制作了法国每年15万伞具中的大部分。
Labour laws that help make Indian workers as costly to employers as much better-paid Chinese ones need to be scrapped.
Most local economists say that the biggest obstacle to female employment in Chile is the country's restrictive labour laws.
A further rise in unemployment may come from smaller companies squeezed between tough Labour laws and a credit drought.
The legal limbo creates ample scope for abuse: limited regard for labour laws, for example, encourages exploitation of workers.
Although Labour laws in China are largely sympathetic to workers, in practice violations are widespread and enforcement is limited.
They have to acquire expertise in Labour laws and mediation, human resources management practices and Labour market information.
The problem is particularly acute in Spain and Italy, where Labour laws make it expensive to lay off older workers but not young temps.
Workers want higher wages; new Labour laws are designed to wipe out sweatshops that bring higher costs which squeeze many companies.
Many workers have been laid off but, thanks to Iceland's Labour laws, they have three months 'notice, so the impact is not yet being fully felt.
Standards differ: some companies treat their workers badly, but most of the big state-owned companies genuinely seek to respect local Labour laws.
Standards differ: some companies treat their workers badly, but most of the big state-owned companies genuinely seek to respect local Labour laws.