Some schools lack money for basics like books and pencils.
The lack of money severely limits their room for manoeuvre.
For such a large fund using public money, there remains a remarkable lack of transparency about how it plans to go about its business.
Mobile money also provides a stepping stone to formal financial services for the billions of people who lack access to savings accounts, credit and insurance.
When I've found myself at my lowest points, it's always been for lack of a reserve - whether of money, of time, or most crucially of energy.
In a neat twist, the poor condition of today's highways and the lack of public money for repairs have tilted the competitive advantage back to a rejuvenated rail-freight industry.
Nobody has the excuse of 'lack of money' for not being at peace and living in integrity.
Health systems lack the staff, the medicines, the money, the screening and early detection services, and service models for the delivery of chronic care.
Meanwhile, Buffett has been lauded for his lack of vanity in handing his money over to the Gates foundation instead of setting up a charitable trust in his own name.
The effect was more pronounced in families with lower incomes, as those with more money could spend to compromise for lack of time.
It's commonly referred to as one of the biggest flops ever made, but it certainly wasn't for a lack of money.
Two common barriers for people who want to exercise and get in shape are a lack of time and money needed for fitness.
In many countries, there is simply no money available for research of any kind as they are merely subsistent countries that even lack adequate funding to properly feed their own populations.
It can be done at any age, with kids or not but many talk themselves out of it for all kinds of reasons such as lack of money, mortgage, children, etc.
All this money sloshing around looking for a home is not healthy - it indicates a real lack of demand in other parts of the global economy.
He also warned young people not to put off their dreams for lack of money, since many people spend years struggling to get their career and social status established first.
Thee effect was more pronouncedin families with lower incomes, as those with more money could spend to compromise for lack of time.
这一影响在低收入家庭中更为显著,因为那些富裕的家庭可以用钱来弥补时间的不足。 。
Lack of discipline and overindulgence are other things to be mindful of at the moment, not the best time to go on a spending spree or to ask for favors especially borrowing money.
Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies.
The plans for a new theatre have had to be shelved because of lack of money.
The lack of interest for riskier investments is perhaps most clear in the renewed exodus of money from u.
If we lack sufficient collateral, the bank may refuse to loan us money we need for expansion.
The man accused of stealing the money was acquitted for lack of witnesses.
Christine says the lack of money actually worked favorably for her.
Christine says the lack of money actually worked favorably for her.