One-storey building consists of several laconic architectural volumes covered by a single flat roof.
It provides a consistency check method based on graph, which is laconic and easy to handle, and conquers the disadvantage of high formalization and complexity of the old check mechanism.
Hastings carries himself with a laconic modesty that contradicts an ambitious and restless mind.
Mr Murakami intersperses these with a laconic sort of philosophizing, much of it equally banal: “I think I’ve been able to run for 20 years for a simple reason: it suits me.”
Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on , a laconic style that few others in the room practice.
This design has the advantage of having a laconic structure and economizing the hardware resource.
Following these principles, we created a very laconic space, full of light and having nothing in access.
His face, remarkable for a brown solidity, brightened as he shook hands with Uncle and nephew; but he seemed to be of a laconic disposition, and merely said.
"At first, I felt like I was living in hell," says Yang Xudong, a laconic 22-year-old in his second month of treatment.
The simpler and more laconic the icon, the better. It is preferable to keep the number of objects in a single icon to a minimum.
But Subject Classification And Code has laconic system, clear plot, and simplicity of operation. In a word, it is good for the paper classification.
A laconic clone trooper who preferred to let his Z-6 rotary blaster do the talking, Jek had a relatively uneventful Posting in the Senate district at the start of the clone Wars.
杰克是一名少言寡语的克隆人士兵,他更喜欢用他的Z - 6转管爆能炮来说话。克隆人战争刚开始的时候,他被派往相对平安无事的议会区驻防。
A laconic clone trooper who preferred to let his Z-6 rotary blaster do the talking, Jek had a relatively uneventful Posting in the Senate district at the start of the clone Wars.
杰克是一名少言寡语的克隆人士兵,他更喜欢用他的Z - 6转管爆能炮来说话。克隆人战争刚开始的时候,他被派往相对平安无事的议会区驻防。