Many countries around the world never built full land-line phone systems; they jumped straight to cellular.
It's odd to think that the last time I spoke to "Steve", we used a clunky land-line and chatted about a computer that is now a museum piece.
To increase coverage, this land-line sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cellphone numbers. The two samples were then combined.
The boundary of an area of land is a line in people's imagination that separates it from other areas.
Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line – a kind of drawing on the land.
Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line-a kind of drawing on the land.
Line-ups formed daily at the land offices as township after township was opened for settlement.
No, he made the cell phone call to a land line — specifically, to the land line of his chief competitor at Bell Labs.
Although much of south America, parts of Africa and all of Australia lie south of the equator, most of the world's land lies north of the line.
She should adjust the security barrier that bites out further chunks of Palestinian land so it runs closer to the 1967 line-and obey Israeli courts when they order this.
She should adjust the security barrier that bites out further chunks of Palestinian land so it runs closer to the 1967 line—and obey Israeli courts when they order this.
她应该调整以色列的安全隔离墙,该隔离墙不断蚕食大块的巴勒斯坦土地,离1967年的边界越来越近。 如果法院对此下达命令,她应该遵守。
This is an area named after Alfred Wallace, who in the 19th century noted that the land-based fauna on either side of this line was distinctly different.
It would be wrong to draw a line between these Numbers so as to conclude that land deals have grown fourfold.
The location of Jebel Faya, United Arab Emirates. The dashed line indicates the maximum exposure of land during marine lowstands. Click for larger image.
The bright white line on the north shore of the river is probably land cleared for power lines.
Land should be used strictly in line with the purposes of land use defined in the general plan for the utilization of the land whether by units or individuals.
The dashed line indicates the maximum exposure of land during marine lowstands. Click for larger image.
Some Chinese commentators say the line has already been crossed: some land registered as arable is in fact being used for non-agricultural purposes.
The chiefs "titles and other authoritative positions were passed down primarily through the senior male line. However, land rights were inherited via the mother" s line.
The first line of the cover let should express your desire to apply for the job you are trying to land.
In his inaugural address Mr Santos promised to prioritise jobs and land reform and to take a tough line on security. See article.
The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple.
The Tupo-lev-134 veered off course while coming in to land and controllers ordered the pilot to circle again, but it hit a power line.
In Towers Trap you protect the front line from many intruders of your land and you should give everything from yourself to stop them passing through the barricade.
So that line was certainly written not by Moses; it was written by someone at a much later time who's looking back and referring to the time when the Canaanites were in the land.
So that line was certainly written not by Moses; it was written by someone at a much later time who's looking back and referring to the time when the Canaanites were in the land.