Halim flashed his official card, and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover.
A Land Rover approached a Chevy Tahoe estate car that had stopped at a kerb; the Land Rover pulled out and tried to pass the Tahoe just as it started off again.
Jaguar and Land Rover are ICONS.
By December, Jaguar and Land Rover faced their own cash crisis.
His passion for mechanics drove him into motorbikes and Land Rover cars.
The following year Tata Motors bought Jaguar Land Rover (JLR)for $2.3 billion.
“I’M NOT a banker,” says David Smith, chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR).
You can come and pick them up with the Land Rover. We have no vehicle in our post.
The special edition styling was created by Victoria in collaboration with Land Rover.
Ford and BMW failed to make Jaguar or Land Rover profitable, when Rover group collapsed.
Like drifting clouds, hilltops mirrored in a mirage appear to float behind a Land Rover.
Paiko threw himself into the back of the Land Rover, banging his head against the hard metal.
The new model includes the latest Land Rover on - and off-road technology including Terrain Response.
Jaguar Land Rover reduced expenses by firing 2, 200 workers and increased sales by introducing new models.
Eventually a Land Rover stopped, but the driver took one look and said Florence needed urgent medical help.
Tata Motors, best known for making cars that cost only $2,000, also owns Jaguar and Land Rover, two luxury brands.
The plant is now part of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), owned by Tata Motors, the car division of an Indian conglomerate.
The original Land Rover Defender, which turned 60 last year, has long symbolised British pluck in the far reaches of empire.
Before then the firm had been on a roll, with Land Rover sales breaking records and Jaguars doing well after years in the doldrums.
The Discovery's launch is supported by a massive marketing campaign which is designed to support Land Rover as a brand in its own right.
Land Rover, for its part, has provided a glimpse of its future with a concept car first shown at the Detroit motor show earlier this year.
The other surviving bit of Rover, Jaguar Land Rover, is on its third foreign owner—Tata Motors, of India—after Ford failed to turn it round.
India's Tata Motors set up a scheme to raise deposits from the public (which should help refinance its acquisitions of Jaguar and Land Rover).
He had an old Land Rover that he used for a charity-fund-raising trek across Africa which involved joining in five marathons and climbing five mountains.
Ford, Jaguar Land Rover, Bentley and Toyota, which has just announced a pay freeze for staff, have all announced either job losses or production reductions.
The micro-sales will make little difference for now to the parent company: Tata’s other models are doing well, as is its big foreign acquisition, Jaguar Land Rover.
如今,小型汽车糟糕的销售业绩并没有对它的母公司造成太大影响。 自从收购了路虎,塔塔的其他款型汽车的销售情况良好。
Carl-Peter Forster, Tata Motors group chief executive, commented: "Jaguar Land Rover is now a strong, profitable and innovative competitor in the premium car industry."
塔塔汽车集团CEO Carl - PeterForster对此评论道:“在高墑行业里,美洲豹路虎现在是一个强势、有利润以及有创意的。”
Carl-Peter Forster, Tata Motors group chief executive, commented: "Jaguar Land Rover is now a strong, profitable and innovative competitor in the premium car industry."
塔塔汽车集团CEO Carl - PeterForster对此评论道:“在高墑行业里,美洲豹路虎现在是一个强势、有利润以及有创意的。”