When the probe finally slowed down at 100 meters above Mars, it stayed in the air and checked the landing area.
Edge detection and threshold segment are used in safe landing area choice.
It was later moved with minimal pickups to the landing area behind the tower, on the ground.
The recommended distance between the takeoff board and the end of the landing area is 21 meters.
They escorted him to a safe landing area where he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha.
The layer of lunar dust on the rocky moon is thin, so was blown away from the landing area by the descent engines.
The take-off should be performed straight up from the landing area, at a constant rate of climb, with little lateral deviations.
Mister Sagan helped choose the landing area for Viking One and Viking Two, the first space vehicles to successfully land on Mars.
In major competition for men, the distance between the board and the landing area should be at least 13 meters; for women, 10 meters.
To keep it simple, always chose a preferred landing area on the green, and decide which flight gives you a better chance at succeeding.
For elevation data, a regularized interpolation for resampling and an algorithm for extracting terrain roughness and slope with landing area plane fitting are presented.
With the helicopter hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right.
With the helicopter inverted hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right.
Ittranspires that these are an uncommon set ofparameters in the polar regions, especially when your destination is a partially prepared landing area on sea ice of an unknown thickness.
In a minibus it takes fully 20 minutes from the helicopter landing strip at Camp Dwyer to the base's main administrative area.
JPALS, designed and developed by Raytheon under a U.S. Navy contract, is an all-weather, all-mission, all-user landing system based on local area differential Global Positioning system (GPS).
It says it is launching its own inquiry into an episode involving phosphorus shells landing in a built-up area.
JPALS, designed and developed by Raytheon under a U.S.Navy contract, is an all-weather, all-mission, all-user landing system based on local area differential Global Positioning system (GPS).
Striking the ground with the smaller area near the front of the foot is less forceful and does less damage than landing square on your heel.
TV image showed sparks coming from an area near the right landing gear as the plane landed.
Large stair landing works as a waiting lounge to welcome people to living room or a stage for family activities to watch from the workshop besides being just a shoe changing area.
Armstrong and Aldrin fired the lander rocket engine. The firing slowed the spacecraft and sent it down toward the landing place. It was in an area known as the Sea of Tranquility.
The German shore batteries that would have contested a landing in the area would undoubtedly have taken a heavy toll (on the allies).
It was Anakin's piloting skills that saved the day, landing the wreck of the starship in an abandoned industrial area.
Case studies included the monitoring of the central wing and outer panel jointing area, the upper and lower pivots of main landing gears.
The helicopter circled about the flooded area, looking for a proper landing field.
The helicopter circled about the flooded area, looking for a proper landing field.