The "lapsing" of a temporary cut only?
It blooms at the end of the rainy season, when many other trees are lapsing into dormancy and no longer making fruit.
This can take a bit more effort, but once the chains are broken, it seems like the effort required to prevent lapsing back to old behaviors should be minimal.
With the lapsing of our old activity of inventing and enacting adventures, Joe Weller and I diverted our wild imaginings on several occasions to a jocular vein.
At all time, content of carbonate binding species decreased with time lapsing, and content of residual species and content of organic binding species didn't change.
The patient remains conscious almost to the end, with only brief intervals of unconsciousness occurring between long lucid periods before lapsing into a coma followed by death.
The patient remains conscious almost to the end, with only brief intervals of unconsciousness occurring between long lucid periods before lapsing into a coma followed by death.